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Taking greys outdoors...is the breeze a problem?


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Hey everyone, I'll try to be quick with this question. We've constantly had a disagreement about this at my house, and I'm curious if anybody here can authoritatively settle the score.


We got a nice big cage to put out on our covered patio to take our two greys out with us when we have summer barbecues, etc (once the bbq is off and there's no more smoke of course). Problem is, the boss of the house never lets the birds go out there, unless it's a completely still day without the slightest hint of a breeze. If there's a breeze at all, however warm, however slight, she won't let the birds come out there for fear they'll get sick.


This mindset comes from the idea that you would never put their cage anywhere there's a draft indoors, so therefore a breeze would be the same thing.


I come from the mindset that says don't take them outside on a chilly day or a windy day, but a nice summer day in the high 80's with a slight breeze should be completely fine.


So who's right? Anybody want to weigh in with their experiences and opinions? Any and all comments are welcome. Our birds LOVE being outside, they have so much fun, and I'd like to do it more often for them.

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Hi Matt,


Your correct a breeze outside is just fine. I am not certain how the old wives tale of a bird having to be protected from any breeze got started, but it's incorrect. Birds all live naturally outdoors and live just fine in gale force winds and hurricanes. They do stay perched when it gets too crazy in the best shelter they can find in the worst of it though.


I believe the general thought came from not wanting to place your birds cage in an area that a fan, vent or open window could have a breeze blowing on them that they could not shield themselves from if they so desired. When it is hot, we run oscillating fans through out the house. My Grey loves to sit on the couch with me. The fan blows on us from across the room and does not seem to bother him at all. If it did, he would just walk or fly to another location.


We take our Grey and Conure outside in their cages everyday just about whether there is a breeze, wind or not and they love it. The only exception is in the winter when it is just too cold for them to be out breeze or not.


If you think about it, birds fly and whatever speed they happen to be cruising at, 30, 40 miles per hour. That wind speed is directly hitting them in the face as they do so. :-)


If your wife disagrees, I take the 5th and will deny ever having posted or commented on this topic. B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/24 12:55

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Thanks for the quick and thorough reply!


I laughed out loud when I realized that I made my mom sound like my wife in the post, that was unintentional. I'm a 24 year old graduate student mooching off my parents until I get my thesis finished and find a job that will be able to pay all the bills.


I'll try to bring this topic up for discussion again and convince her. Ponti especially loves being outside. She really comes alive, swinging from the ceiling of the cage, beating up her toys, etc. Maggie just seems to be content wherever she is. The outdoors is nothing new to maggie, as the place she was staying before we got her was out on the carport...she lived outdoors in her cage 24/7 except during winter. Now she likes living indoors, but outside is fine too, it doesnt get her especially excited like ponti.

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LOL - Well if it's your Mom, the approach will be completely different. I wouldn't want to hear she took you by the Ear and banished you to your room for the day. :P B)


Good luck with your Thesis!! It is a wonderful feeling when you know your life is going to take off in the fast lane very shortly. :-)

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har, har! ;)

The key is to somehow convince her without her having to be wrong on the subject.


Yeah I hope I can find a better job when I finish things up later this year...otherwise with as much student loan debt as I have, I'll be living in a van down by the river, just me and my parrots...<br><br>Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2008/08/24 23:12

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I'm saving up my hard earned pennies to buy a travel cage for my grey so she can go outdoors.

at the moment she's stuck indoors and isn't used to any weather but when i blow on her she hates it (which i find amusing:evil: )

but i believe that when she gets used to going outdoors and being in the sun, wind and occasional rain it'l do her the world of good.

I cant wait and am even going to risk the odd looks i'm going to get from the public walking around with a grey in a cage lol.

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I use a harness on Elmo to go outside, but I have been using it sense she was a baby so it's never been a problem getting it on.


The only danger a breeze poses with parrots is that they can fly away on it. A clipped bird can easily become airborn and fly away, and not be able to even attempt to get home.


As for the drafts, when me and Elmo go out for a drive around town she will sit on my shoulder and positions herself in just a way as to hog all the A/C. She will fluff her feathers and let the cold air blow through them. She will get mad if I move the vent away from her so I let her have her fun with the air.

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My vet says that it's great to take them outside in the sun every day because of natural vitamins. I live in FL and take her out almost every day, and when it's too hot she is in a covered area with fans blowing on her. She also likes being sprayed down with water first to cool her off. Just don't ever get them wet before bedtime...that will cause sickness!!!

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Elmo is beyond a spoiled brat...she thinks she is Lady Gidiva or something.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


She is always cracking everyone up in the house, and I really can't imagine not having her in my life.


I too being in FL take Elmo out in the sun all the time for a little while but she doesn't like the summer weather. She likes to come out in the winter when the air is cool...she probably wishes we would move where it's cold all the time.:lol:

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We have a screened in porch that I take Lyric out to when it's nice outside. He loves it. Of course your mother is just trying to take good care of her flock, but remind her that birds live outside and they survive just fine- perhaps you can word it so that she doesn't get offended! Let her see how much fun the birds have while they are outside.

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We've been talking it over and I think she's bout convinced.


I don't think ponti would take a harness, and she's clumsy enough with her bum foot that I don't really want her out of her cage at all while she's outside, I just feel more comfortable that way.


We live in the desert, so the summers get VERY hot (100-115 degrees) during the summer...it would be between 5-7pm when we take them out during (well, techically after since I would want the grill off and let the smoke clear first) our barbecues and such. I just feel so bad when the whole family is out on the patio socializing after a nice grillout, and the birds are inside whistling their little lungs out trying to get our attention!

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i agree they are birds and still are very close to that level in the nature. I take zuri out witha avaitor harness and he's clipped too so i dont worry and i live in Canada and yes we are quite warm now but after sept he'll have to manage with looking at the outdoors.

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