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Rubbing beak on my fingers normal?


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Hi guys! Coco has recently started rubbing his beak against my fingers. He doesn't clean his beak on me- he wipes it on his perch after eating- but he tends to rub his beak all over my hand and nibbles it gently whenever i hold my hand out slightly below him so he can lean over and i can give him a good scratch.


Is he trying to tell me something and should i be encouraging his behaviour? Thanks so much for your help!

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They do this as a sign of affection. Their beak tip is very sensitive and they in fact love what I call a "Beak Rub". I gently rub Dayo's beak between my thumb and index finger and he loves it. When I first started doing this, I would tell him what I was doing "Beak Rub. He now asks for it when he wants one. :-)


They use there beaks for everything when young, beaking your hand and tonguing it is giving him volumes of information, taste, texture etc. and as the beakings get harder, he will learned when he has applied too much pressure the first time by your flinch and scream. :P

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