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Help Please!


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Hi, Some of you know I brought my baby grey Tango home a few days ago, and I am already having an issue I think I need help with. This is it:


He will not eat inside his cage. The only time he eats his fruits and vegetables is when I am handing them to him one piece at a time. also the only time he is cracking his seeds is when he is on the cage top or on his playpen.


I am afraid that a day might come when I do not have the time to sit and hand feed him, and for his safety will have to be in his cage. What should I do to make him eat the seeds and fruits and vegetables from inside his cage. Please I am already a paranoid mom who really wants what is best and safe for Tango.


Eagerly awaiting some advice.


Satchel new mom of Tango.

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I think the problem here is that your grey is descended from the Romans and believes you are his servant put on this earth to feed him grapes:laugh:


If he eats the foods you are offering him, ie seeds, fruits and vegetables, outside the cage, he will eat them inside it if he is hungry enough. A grey won't starve himself if foods he enjoys are readily available. But why should he bother stretching his little neck out to reach a carrot if his servant human will hand it to him;) Clever bird!

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Don't worry he will eat if he is hungry. Alex and Martini never eat in thier cages unless it's after they have been put to bed or if we are gone. Get him his own dish for his fresh stuff that can be on his playstand or top of his cage. Set it in frunt of him and walk away. I always tell them Mmmm Yummy Breakfest! If he's hungry he will eat. But the hand feeding each thing could cause problems later. Make him do it himself.

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All right then tomorrow I will leave his fresh food, and him in his cage again. Arghhh it is going to be tough thinking that he is not eating.


I guess I just want him to eat his breakfast and then come out and play. Maybe I will try putting his fruits and vegetables on the cage top perch first.


Thanks again everyone as I was afraid I was going to be starving him.

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I must agree with the all of you. Your CAG will not starve if you leave food in his cage. He will eat when he is hungry I think you and Tango will have to tough it out for a bit. He may not eat the food straight away when you put the food in his cage but he will eat it when he is hungry enough.......you just have to be patient.





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Thanks again everyone. And um... yes I would have to say that he has already got wrapped. I will give it a few days before I get all paranoid.


He is just so precious though. LMAO I gotta hand it to him he is not even 3 months old yet and already plays me like a fiddle.

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All right I give you caught me. I did go to the bird store everyday without fail and did nothing but stand in front of his perch handing him food. LMAO


Tonight he is doing something different. He is sitting on the side of his dish and using one foot to try to kick the food out onto the bottom of his cage. Is this normal? He doesn't do that from atop the cage perch or on the play pen either.


Is my bird acting out now? Already I mean.

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ok, and thank you. I think I can tell already that I am probably gonna drive people on the forums crazy since this is my first larger bird. I jsut want to make sure I do everything right and not miss any signs of unhappiness, or unhealtyness (if unhealthyness is even a word):unsure:

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