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Is diarrhea common with african greys


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My african grey is now 3 months old. She has diarrhea, and It can be real smelly at times. I realize it is worst with some foods that she eats. She is on the conversion and weaning food as well as bird seeds, and adult parrot food offered. She also gets people food, and I try to be health with food, yet she does prefer to have peanut butter crackers and granola, etc.

Is it common for these birds to have diarrhea or is this something that I should be concerned about.

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There can be many causes to diarrhea (infections or viruses) Also her/his poop should not be giving off a smell so my suggestion would be to take your parrot to an avian vet to get checked out ASAP.


Hope your parrot gets better soon!


Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/08/23 20:18

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I tend to disagree with the others. When I first get my 2 up in the am, bring them to their "potty baskets," and then they have that morning bomb, it sometimes does smell depending on their previous day of eating. I wouldn't worry about the occasional odor, but if it continued all day long and was every day, then, Yes, I would take your bird to the vet for a check up for that concern.

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diarrhea is maybe once or twice a day and it doesn't smell all the time, I believe I notice it after eatting people food, and I have been watching carefully and believe that granola, and cheese, may be some of the foods that is causing the diarrhea. I try to give her vegetables, rice, beans, and fruits. But, she wants what we have and because to the splay leg that she has, I have added occ. egg, cheese to increase calcium. See she was born with splay leg and I have also been working to help her over come her disablity with splints and motified cage to sit rather than perch..

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Then I wouldn't be too concerned. I notice my birds smells after they had pizza the night before. There is a web site showing the proper color and consistency that you should see. I will look and see if I can find it. It is very helpful and was for me when I first got my grey.

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LOL Siobha!! They keep begging for more beer to figuring the pain the next morning is worth the fun they had the previous night. :P


In regards very loose liquid stools. The others have given good comments. Dayo has them also, depending on how much fruit and veggies he has eaten. They consist of more water than anything and there is just not much "Substance" to them.


He also has some of what we do for dinner and I am positive that contributes to it at times. After having spaghetti or lasagna, he has garlic breath for a while afterwards. :-)


My wife always picks up on it and asks "Did you let Dayo eat some of your food"?


My answer is always the same.... No! Why do you ask? As the Garlic fumes rise from Dayo... :whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/24 13:11

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Fergie My Amazon is the worst she loves people food and I have allot of trouble getting her to eat good food so I have to cook for her because if its cooked then she thinks its people food and eat it. But because everything she eats is soft and mushy most of the time her big bomb in the morning is soft and mushy and somtimes smells bad also depending on what she eats. I would not worry to much they are allot like us that way when we eat some things we might have a loose smelly poop too

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