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Looking 4 birdie friends

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Hi everyone.


Title says it all really;)


Looking for people in the Bristol area UK who enjoy talking about their greys as I have no friends:(


I have a work collegue who inhereted a grey a few years ago and was really excited when I found out but unfortunatly she doesn't seems that interested in her grey. When i asked how much time her grey spends out the cage she asid that it doesn't come out the cage cause its too visious!

Luckily I held back the reply "why do you think that is?" If she wasn't a work collegue I might have challenged her in trying to tame her but i'm new to the job and she's above me.

SO unfortunatly I'm left with no one to talk about my grey to:(


So, anyone in the Bristol area?:kiss:

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I'm not in the Bristol area, but you are more than welcome to talk to your hearts content here! Many of us find that our friends are just not interested in hearing that Tigerlily swung upside down from the top of the cage this morning and discovered that she LOVES sugar snap peas:P So on this forum you can share all your little victories, and woes and we are always ready to congratulate or sympathise!


No worry is too small, or triumph too tiny to share here:laugh: So start talking cos we're listening;)


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Welcome Tigerlily!!


It's GreYt having you here and just spill you heart out. Thats what we all do here. :-)


In regards your workmate with a Grey, take her outback and "Explain" things, if you know what I mean...no witnesses. :evil: ;-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Hi Tigerlily,

Im from Yorkshire and like you none of my friends have any interest in my birds. They think I am mad with the time and effort I put into my two greys.

You will love it on here and will meet lots of new friends to share your passion.

Ask as many questions as you like,read through the threads, there is always something new on here.

Welcome to the forum :)

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You are never alone here Tigerlily, I found this forum 2 days after I had Mika at home he is 5 months now. I have never had so many questions answered or so much good advise as I have found here. As this is my first Grey and truth be known my first bird, there were lots of questions;) I make the time each day to log on grab a coffee and sit back and read. There are somtimes tears and sometimes just a full out belly laugh at some of the things our little feathered friends do, but the one thing is there are years and years of experience here and thats what's it all about. You will always have friends here they may not be round the block but they are only a keyboard tap away.


Carolyn & Mika

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Hi, glad you found this forum. I too find myself lacking in the friends department and in a few weeks time found many on this site more than willing to give me advice and just to listen to my birds accomplishments or setbacks. I see grey owners on here from all over the world, too. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Looking forward to hearing more from you.


See if your work collegue might be willing to part with the grey especially if she isn't that thrilled about it anyway. Sounds like the only reason she has it because she had too. Maybe she would sell or give it to you somehow. It tears me up when I know someone is mistreating or neglecting an animal. :(

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Thanks for all your replies. i've been at work all afternoon so haven't been able to reply sooner. I was pleasently supprised to find that the NHS hasn't blocked this site like sooooo many others so i've been able to quickly read your messages at work but feel it would be pushing it a bit too far if i replied as big brother over at the tech dept is always watching us and i don't want them to block the site:evil:


After a comment LOVEMYGREYS made on my other thread about silence in the wild meening there's a predator around I went and spent £40 on a radio and another £25 on another foraging toy:S so much for me being a millionaire one day:pinch:

Tigerlily better apprieciate it lol.

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Believe me you are in good company here, we all understand how you feel as I don't have many bird friends who are not on this site. Most people do not understand how we feel about our fids and it takes one to know one. You chat and post all you want as we make friends easily and quickly.


And I completely understand about the getting on the site while at work, thats one I have to be careful of myself but once I get home someone just try to keep me off.:blink: :cheer: :whistle:

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:laugh: :P :cheer: :P


I know lol. I'm terrible with money, if i have it i have to spend it and i luv spending it on my pets.

i've just moved (which tigerlily coped with very very well) and i still need carpet, wardrobes, shower etc etc etc but will be getting a new playstand and travel cage first.

i can live without a carpet and all the rest but tigerlilies life will improve soooo much with a travel cage and new playstand that she just HAS to take priority

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You should have seen me the other week! Tigerlily didn't seem to be playing with her toys that much so I decided it was time to strip her cage and restock it. I spent over £100 on toys online.

they arrived in this great big box and I was like a little kid, giggling and trying to engage tigerlilies enthuisam who this time didn't fly off and shreak the place down and actually tried playing with them as I was taking them out the box.

I had great fun positing them in her cage. I'm still not sure who parrot toys are really for, Tigerlily or me;)

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Hi Im Sheila. I am from Liverpool.Like you I have found friends and work colleagues will only tollerate so much bird talk. I am obsessed with my two. I have a Grey, Charlie and a cockatiel called cracker. I spend a fortune on them. I must be mad. Anyway, feel free to talk, talk talk. thats what scousers do best. My birds dont shut up either. They even whistle the everton fc theme from z cars. I am minding my cousins 40 odd year old Grey at the moment,petrified incase anything happens to him. He is called Blue. I think it could be a good idea to ask your work mate if she still wants the Grey, if not you take him. More the merrier. Obviousely It depends on your own circumstances. My vet phoned me up a few months ago asking if I could take a grey on. One of his clients no longer wanted it. I just could not do it. I have no room for another big cage in the house. I was gutted, but very flattered that the vet asked me.See what I mean, even the vet phones me up. Mind you he probabley went on a months holiday somewhere exotic on the money I ave given him. See what I mean about talking. Hope to hear from you soon.

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Welcome! Your going to have a ton of fun here! ;)

Whenever I get my friends to kinda half listen to me blabbering about my CAG, Kasko, they keep telling me that hes sooo spoiled, i give him too much attention, and spend soo much money on him! But I know he wants more attention and toys..which gets me back on the search of new toys...:P Dont worry..you can talk allll you want with us about Tigerlilly we wont mind!! I'm sure we'll have just as much fun watching Tiger lilly grow as you do! :lol: :cheer:

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yes i buy my stuff from 24parrot (also known as northan parrots) i've only had one item not turn up, they said they sent it but i never got it so still waiting for them to send it again. but on the whole quite happy with them, as is tigerlily.


i have been thinking about getting another grey;) to do so i'd have to get a double cage and would get a baby this time but apart from prob taking me years to save up (no good at saving;) ) i've decided to wait till tigerlilies about 2yrs so she'd then be totally devoted to me and i'd know if i'm totally devoted to tigerlily.


i took tigerlily to the vets for a check up the same week i brought her home, the vet asked if i've been wanting a grey for a long time, i didn't feel brave enough to tell her it'd only been about a month i'd been thinking about getting one:lol:

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Hi Tigerlily-

See you were looking for a friend to talk about birds with and now you've got a whole community of friends that love to talk about their birds- we're all just a mouse click away. I can relate to all the stories on this thread! I also don't have many in my life that even care to hear about my birds but fortunately I've found this forum and the people on here really care about their little feathered friends. I spend more money than I'd care to think about on bird food, toys, toys, and more toys. I think I have more fun buying toys for them then I do buying stuff for myself. There's people on this forum from all over the world and we all share a common love. Glad you've joined us and hopefully you no longer feel friendless!

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