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Good parrott bad parrot


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Apologies if this is a long post.


I have had my CAG Indy for about 3 months (she is 6months old). Me and my husband are able to handle her and she is attached to both of us.


She is very comfortable with me handling her than my husband. Why is it that I can handle her better but she will always fly to him when we are both around?


My husband now works away for most part and is only home at the weekends so she spends most of her time with me. When my husband comes back she misbehave with me (bites me etc). As soon as he leaves she is back to being my best friend and is an extremely loving gentle parrot.


Does anyone have any thought on the jekyll and hyde personality?





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She is just probably happy to see your husband at weekends,very much like a young child she is playing you off against your husband.During the week your her best friend for company but come weekends it's go take a hike mom,dads home :S I don't have this problem with my greys,but i am experiencing the exact same thing with my macaw,my husband works away a lot,but is the best thing to her when he walks through the door !:unsure:

If she bites you then get your husband to put her back in her cage,she has to learn that this is not acceptable & she will see your partner is cross with her too,she may be reluctant to bite if she learns this is limiting her time with him ;)

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I have a similar situation with one of my greys. He loves my husband. He is quite well behaved for me whenever my hubby isnt around, but whenever he is Oisin turns on me. Every time hubby is home we make Oisin step from him to me and back again, so he understands that he can't stay with his daddy all the time and he can't shut me out.


Given a choice of the 2 of us on each end of the sofa Oisin breaks his neck to get to his Daddy. I know cos we have tried it out :(

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Same here in my household. When the ruler comes home (Me), the Critters are all mine and smother me with with love and attention. B)


However, after the 10 minutes of glory hellos, I love You's and high fives are done. They all go back to my wife being the preferred snuggle muffin. :unsure:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/23 16:40

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I am so glad I don't have that problem my birds love me and nobody else. No competition in this household. Mind you they all like Tuesday also (21 yr.old Daughter)she is always in and out still She move out for a couple months and then come home for a couple months. She's a great play mate for the birds she loves to teach them new things.

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