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Grey bit lip; now what?


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So Raz(my 12 year old Grey) bit my lip pretty good this morning. He has got me before but not this bad; I almost went to the hospital. I don't really want to even pay attention to him right now (because I am mad and my feelings are hurt), but I don't want to cause more problems either by making him less attached to me. I am usually excellent at reading his body language, but this morning he completely threw me for a loop. He had "happy face" and looked very excited to see me. It was right when I went in his room to turn on his light and music, and feed.

I know they're intelligent, but I doubt he can grasp the concept of a "grudge".

Should I go on like nothing happened or can I be mad a him a couple days?

Also, what are some of the signs everyone else's Greys give off before they nail you? Maybe I have more to learn than I think.


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Hi Missa818- welcome to the forum. It's too bad that Raz got the best of your lip this morning. I think it's okay for you to be upset, but he won't know why you are mad at him and it may in turn upset him. You may want to be more cautious about allowing him close to your face. I can usually tell when my TAG is going to bite just by his body language, but not always. He looks at me very self-satisfied, pins his eyes and ruffles his head feathers just a bit. It is usually when I want him to step up from somewhere and he's not ready to go. Then I back off, wrap my hand in a towel and make him do what I want. He has to know that I'm the boss, but I don't neccessarily want him to bite me either! Have you had Raz since he was a baby, or is he a rescue bird?

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Well I have had him for about 6 years. We got him from a previous owner who took very good care of him. He has always loved me best of anyone, but is kind of iffy as far as "is Razzy in a good mood today or not??"

I can read him 99% of the time.

When he is mad, he does the same things you described. But this morning he was doing what we call "happy wings". I will try to post a picture.

He basically brings his wings away from his body partially and moves them up and down. Not in a full flap, but just gently. He turns his head to the side and chirps softly. Sometimes he will stop for a second and put his toe in his mouth, then go back moving his wings. He is always happy when he does this and lets me tickle and kiss and he gets very talkative. He has never bit me when he is in that mood. I don't know... :-(

Last thing I want to do is upset him by being mad, but dang! lol<br><br>Post edited by: Missa818, at: 2008/08/22 17:08

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I know how you feel, Missa818! Most of the time, our Ponti is a sweetheart, but now and then, she'll bite the heck out of my hand for no reason at all, hard enough to draw blood. I almost think that she thinks it's funny. On my end, however, it feels almost like a betrayal.


If she pulls that stunt, she goes right back into her cage, and I leave the room for about a half hour. The reasons are twofold: 1- So I can cool off and quit being mad at her (I'll admit it, I take it personally sometimes even though I shouldn't!) 2- Being left alone/ignored is just about the worst punishment ever for ponti. The other thing I've found is that I really have to bite my tongue and try not to yell out in pain and I try not to draw back my hand in fear from it because both those things are reactions that I am 99% sure Ponti finds to be amusing/hilarious. I just try to bite my tongue, put her right back in her cage, and leave the room and ignore her for a little while.


Oh and about "happy wings" Ponti does that too! i think that's universal grey speak for "i'm really happy!"<br><br>Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2008/08/22 19:16

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Were you wearing anything unusual when Raz bit you? I know some greys will get upset over a small change, like bright red fingernail polish, a certain color clothing, a hat, jewelry, etc.


Nikko has bit me on the bridge of my nose before, but luckily not the lip. How painful :(!

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I wore some nail polish one day and Josey did not like it one bit, they do notice small changes.


Considering the age of Raz I am wondering if it is hormonal, maybe some of the more experienced grey owners will have more insight into why the biting is happening now.:S :whistle: :huh:

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It could be something was different like everyone else has said. It could also be hormones for how old he is. Almost all of our Amazons are hormonal right now. The one Cuban Amazon we have at the store (Turkey) was really hormonal for a little while. He would bite everyone without the usual warning. Now he is back to his old sweet self...I just hope the rest of them follow suit.


I know how bad a bite to the lip can be, I got nailed really bad in the lip a few months ago by one of our Blue & Gold Macaws and it looked horiffic!!! It was like a nasty herpes sore, but on steroids! I was so embarrassed for days...everyone would look at it when I was talking to them, so I had to explain it was a macaw bite. The best thing to put on it is Vicks Vapor Rub...I know that sounds weird, but it feels really good on it and it keeps you from licking your lip where you got bit. I tried putting chapstick on it at first but it got worse from that.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/08/23 07:00

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I wasn't wearing anything out of the ordinary. Work shirt and jeans, no jewelry or makeup or nail polish. And my hair was done normal too.... So confusing.

I wondered if it was hormonal too. He is always trying to puke up seeds for me. Or maybe he knows my work shirt and was mad I was supposed to leave for work (which I ended up staying home, so he got what he wanted if that was the case.:S )

The only other thing I can imagine is that it has something to do with his calcium levels. He gets SUPER cranky when he doesn't get enough calcium (which I put in scrambled eggs for him). He used to never get it, but then started having weird seizures, so now we have to give him a supplement.

Well my lip looks pretty good actually, just a little sore and I am giving air kisses from now on. Learned my lesson I guess. Thanks for all of your comments by the way!

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Ouch Missa!! :pinch: :ohmy:


That would shock anyone. It could have been hormonal love or as you suggested, the work shirt. These are are just so smart, they pick up every detail and know what it means.


It's good to hear you lip is looking better. I suspect (but hope not) that one day I will get nailed when giving my Grey a kiss also. It sounds like there was no warning body language, just BAM.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Guest Skuffy

Max Bit my son's lip too...he asked Max for a kiss Max leand forward to give him 1,,but Mark asked him again this time putting his head inside his cage,,not a good thing to do..Max looked at him as if to say No you've had 1..Mark stll leaned in so Max whacked him now my son has a niiiice scare down his lip...Buahahahahahaha...I did tell him not to go in his cage "I'll be ok he said "...lol:woohoo:

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