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Hello everyone.


My name is Elaine and I am the proud owner of a CAG called Tigerlily. Tigerlily hatched on 9th June 2007 and she has been with me since Dec 2007 and if everything goes to plan this will be her first and last home.:kiss:


Tigerlily is the first bird i've had and i love her to bits. I also have a 4yr old cat who Tigerlily would eat for lunch given the chance:evil:


I live alone so the two of us have bonded really well (she had no choice lol) but because of this Tigerlily doesn't apprieciate people visiting, which isn't too much of a big deal at the moment.


I'm also desperate for her to accept her avaitor harness which isn't going too well atol. I'm trying to hold off the be cruel to be kind approach as I know this would traumatise her and I would end up with no fingers left:evil: After a few months we're at the stae where i can hold the harness up to her without her flying off and screeming the place down. I'm trying not to give up but it's hard to imagine the end result when it takes so long.


But on the whole I think Tigerlily's doing great, she has her moments when she gets too boistrus and she gets put in her cage to calm down for half hour and she refuses to get off the top of the door frames when asked, forcing me to get off my backside and get her to step up, which she does with a little protest.


hopefully this will be the start of a happy relationship.


P.S anyone here from the UK?

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Hi Elaine & Tigerlilly, welcome to the forum.

Dont give up with the harness,it takes time & patience but im sure you will get there ;) Yes doorframes are a big hit,we all have that problem :P

Many of our members are from the UK, myself included.

We look forward to hearing more from you :)

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Hello Elaine and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Tigerlily.


She sounds like she has a mind of her own but then they own us and not vice versa but keep at it. If its convenient you could take her out in a travel cage to places where she sees more people, but my grey is basically a one person bird too.


Please read tru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any other pictures of Tigerlily you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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