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Bonding with Alfie


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Hi everyone hope you are all well.:)

I have posted a couple more pictures of Alfie, he is doing amazingly well and is already a treasured member of our family.


He makes cute little noises and is learning not to bite when told "NO"

He is trying to gain the confidence and strength to fly, this does worry me a little bit. :unsure: as I have not been around a baby grey before, I am aware of the dangers when he is learning to fly but any advice would be welcome.




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Dont worry to much Steve,they soon learn how to find their bearings,make sure Alfie has a few possible landing spots.He may have a few crash landings but you will be surprised how quickly they become skillful with their flight .My B&G macaw had 2 bad landings & that was it,she looked like an expert from day one ;)

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So he is about 14 weeks? Like you said it is a mixture of both strengh and confidence in themselves.

Does he have somewhere to land like a playstand to fly to?

My youngest Keeko, used to fly from his cage over to Charlies cage when he was building up his strength. When he gained confidence he would then fly to different places including myself who he sees as being a walking perch! He is excellent at flying now and follows me from room to room.

My other grey Charlie has always been very clumsy and I still have to put cushions down on the floor when he is out as we have a lot of crash landings. See if Alfie does this in the same place and maybe do the same thing until he gets a bit better.

Lots of practice is all he needs. Try not to worry to much, just make everywhere safe!

I will go look at your new pics now:) Caroline.

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