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Hi everyone. Thought you would like to know that on Sunday I am having Blue to stay for a few weeks. Blue is a 40 odd year old grey and is like a family heirloom. He was brought back from Africa by my cousin 40 0dd years ago when he went to see with the navy. It was allowed then. Blue was almost certainly wild caught but is one of the lucky ones. He has had the same owner all his captive life and has never had any behavioural problems. Infact he is more savy and together than my own hand reared grey Charlie Blue has seen and done it all. The first time I had him stay was a challenge as he hated me with a vengence,major operation cleaning and feeding and growling and lungeing when I went near the cage. By the time he went home though he was much better. I have had him many times since and he loves me now, just makes himself right at home and enjoying a head scratch. He really does seem to remember where he is and obviousely does not feel stressed or strange.He had a hugh vocab when younger most of it I could not write hear,he is not called Blue for nothing. Now his main saying is hello my old mate. Charlie is not impressed when Blue stays but seems to tollerate him. Blue just seems to regard charlie as a young nuisance.I keep them apart but they can see and hear each other.Blue is very well behaved. He goes in his cage on command You only have to say get in Blue and he does. Infact I taught Charlie to do this by letting him see blue do it and giving him a treat when he does it right.Its so funny because when I say get in to Charlie the cockatiel Cracker shouts it as well and really tells him off shouting come on get in hurry up get in. I am looking forware to Sunday.I am also off work next week so should have fun with the birds. .<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/08/21 21:24

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yes I hope charlie follows blues good examples, just hope he does not pick up the swear words.At the moment charlies worst is "Ill batter you" and I hope to keep it that way.I will put some photos of blue on my profile page,not sure how to do that in a post.

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Their are some pics of Blue on my home page.Thanks lovemygreys for the link.I will take some more pics next week. Blue is fantastic, just need to convinse Charlie. Mind you he has always been ok with him. I would love to put the two greys in the aviery but Blue has never been in an aviery and I cant risk him getting hurt or upset so thats out.

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Blue came and yes, he had a ball. He and Charlie for the best part pretended not to notice each other for a few days. They then started calling and answering each other, ok no tv for me. Blue just settled right in like I expected, first thing he done was check out his food dishes. Food all present and correct so all is well with the world.Blue loves his food. Charlie just pretended nothing unusual was going on,If I ignore him, perhaps he will go away. Cracker also did not appear put out by Blues arrival. My cousin stayed for a cup of tea to ensure Blue was ok and then went for a week to the Lakes. The next few days we had nice weather so my two spent a lot of time in the aviery,Blue went in his cage by the patio door to see out and get some air. The week went pretty much without incident except I was not too well. My week off work was spoilt through flu. I am going back to work tomorrow.Out of interest We gave Blue a weight check, 450 gms. I was a bit surprised as he seems a bit smaller than charlie who is 500 gms. Blue is not fat though, you can feel his breast bone. For his age, well in his 40s he is in pretty good shape. He moves round a bit slower than average, but he is an old man. He enjoyed his showers with a sprey bottle but I did not wet him too much. My two have their showers in the kitchen sink. I have video of Blue tucking into a corn cob and saying hello my mate but I do not know how to attach it to this post. I also tried to put one of Charlie doing high five on but I dont think it worked.Blue has gone home now and the house seems empty.

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Well I am glad to hear that Blue had a good time and so did you except for the flu, what bad timing but you take what you get.


Blue isn't an old man, he is middle aged in my opinion, but he seems to enjoy visiting with you and I know you enjoyed it even though you were sick, maybe the next time will be even better, you won't be sick.


Thanks for letting us know how it went, just fine.:)

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