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Lily Is Quiet


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I got my CAG Lily last Sunday. Lily is about 4 months old. The first day she was quiet as a mouse no real noises what so ever.

Over the last couple of days she has started to warm up to me and my wife but she is still very quiet. When I walk over to her she will make a clucking noise, when she gets angry she will make a grumbling noise, when she wants my attention she will make a noise that sounds like "tee-doo" and sometimes she will make a really weird noise while moving her lower beak from side to side I can't really describe. Most of the time though she is very quiet.

I don't expect her to talk anytime soon and I understand she may not talk at all but I was wondering if there are any tactics for increasing vocalization. At this point I talk to her a lot and my wife likes to whistle to her. She seems like she is paying attention but she remains very quiet.




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Greg she is still adjusting to her new home so give her time to settle in and feel comfortable and then more of her personality will emerge. She is quiet because she is taking this all in and soon she will be more vocal but talking is probably some time away yet. Patience is what we preach here, give her plenty of time and soon you may be asking how to shut her up:laugh: ;):)

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The crunching/grinding sound you may be hearing from the bottom of her beak is beak grinding. My CAG Indy does this also but only before she goes to bed. Its nothing for you to worry about. As Judy said just give her plenty of time and space and she will enjoy entertaining herself with her own voice.


Good Luck



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