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I was told by many to share my meals (small quantities) with my TAG. It helps promote bonding with your bird.


I do have a hard time giving her chicken though (as chicken is a bird, it makes me feel like I am asking her to be a cannibal) But I am sure that is just me.


I think as long as you let him/her taste it and don't give them alot. Personally I think it is good bonding. The main thing that you want is a happy, healthy bird. And you having a good relationship with your bird will help promote that.

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I was told by many to share my meals (small quantities) with my TAG. It helps promote bonding with your bird.


I do have a hard time giving her chicken though (as chicken is a bird, it makes me feel like I am asking her to be a cannibal) But I am sure that is just me.


I think as long as you let him/her taste it and don't give them alot. Personally I think it is good bonding. The main thing that you want is a happy, healthy bird. And you having a good relationship with your bird will help promote that.

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If fed in moderation meat is fine,i wouldnt suggest feeding your grey meat on a daily / weekly basis,just as an occasional treat.Remember a little bit goes a long way on the portion side,one small piece of meat is more than sufficient for a grey.Many of our members here do feed their greys a chicken leg with little meat on it,they love to gnaw on the bone & will often eat the marrow which is good for them.Always supervise your bird when it has a bone ;)

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I occasionally let Maxi have a little piece of chicken or fish, and she definitely LOVED the couple of times I let her gnaw on a mostly-cleaned chicken drumstick - grabbed it and went right for the soft end and the marrow. (She actually seemed to lose interest in the bones once they started to splinter, so they were easy to get away from her at that point, but I would never leave her alone with a bone anyway.)


Apropos of cannibalism: I don't know how pertinent this is to parrots, but I worked on an egg farm one summer in college (free-running chickens)and I can attest that chickens at least are naturally somewhat cannibalistic.

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Josey has a little meat from time to time and she gnaws on a chicken leg or thigh bone when I have them which is not often.


I can relate to chickens eating their own eggs, I was raised on a farm and we had chickens and if we dropped an egg while in the henhouse the chickens would come running and eat it up pronto:sick: :ohmy: :blink: :laugh:

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Finches are like that too. When the babies hatch if one egg doesn't hatch they eat it...or if an egg is laid on the bottom of the cage they all go after it. Plus, mammals are like that too. After an animal gives birth they normally eat the placenta...they don't want the sent of birth around and it's energy they would have lost if they didn't eat it.

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Guest Skuffy

Max eating a chicken Leg..Saturday Treat!!



he will eat anything i am eating..And he has his own Sunday dinners, If its roast beef he will eat it aswell..Burgers/chicken/none salted hams/,but his fav is chicken legs,,

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Alex pretty much loves it all. He does like chicken bones but is not always in the mood for them. So even though I offer when we do have them he doesn't always eat it. But yep if it's on our plates and we are eatting it he conciders it fair game.

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Hey all, it's been a long time since my last post.


We recently asked our avian vet this exact question. We decided to adopt a sweet, 10 year old TAG whose owner had died, and when we were picking up the bird, the owner's roommate said, "maggie just LOVES chicken!" which struck me as odd.


I've had my CAG ponti for over 2 years now, and it never even crossed my mind to let her have meat. it didn't seem right so when we took maggie for her vet visit, I asked him, and he said, "yeah, they pretty much need all the food groups" and then went on with the usual caveats about nothing salted and all that, but he was totally fine with it.


So we started allowing the birds to have meat if they want. Maggie scarfs it down, but Ponti doesn't much care for it. It's funny how they have their own tastes.<br><br>Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2008/08/22 11:12

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