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Feather Tether harness


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Today i took Noah for a little walk, i used the feather Tether harness, it was vert easy to put on him in the begining i was worried that he will bite me but he didnt do that at all but a week before i started getting him used to be touched under his wings.


In the begining he was biting the harness but once we were out he forgot everything about it so it was a very good experience will try to go out with him tomorrow too!



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I use the Feather Tether also with Elmo and after it's been on him for a few minutes he forgets all about it too. I started putting it on him when he was still a chick, so it was never really hard to get him in it.


I try to get all my bird customers at the store to get one for their birds too.

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Guest Skuffy



i had the feather tether,,to many buckles Max went mad..so i got this the Aviator,,And were not far off getting it on him fully:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Skuffy, at: 2008/08/21 18:14

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Guest Skuffy



Don't you thing theres to many buckles on the Feather...I cudn't even get his head in it...I am having loads problems with the Aviator aswell,,,,Max keeps rolling over as soon as i get 1 wing in,,he rolls over,,Even if i give him a treat.:blink: Its really doing my head-in

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Guest Skuffy

aw,,Its ok,,Fanks ....Ive had a new Tattoo aswell,,Of my Greys head/1 of his feathers,,,had it down the side of my thigh..ppl on here don't like Tattoos,,,so i can't post it...Its lovely too..B)

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I didnt know there was different kinds of harness in the market, it was extremely easy to put fether tether on Noah and it didnt seem to bother him but my concern is the metal things on the harness, if they are too heavy and can cause uncormfort for a bird? so aviator harness dont have any metal in it ?


maybe i should order the other one ??



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When folks take their greys outside harnessed, where do you take them? I live about 2 blocks from a large park where many sunbath, read, do yoga, walk dogs, etc. I do the walk from my house to the park at least twice a day - walking the dog and trip to the playground for Noam. My concern is there may be too many stimuli - dogs, kids and cats. On the walk, I pass two houses that have various outdoor cats lurking about. The cats are usually in the "ready to pounce" position even for my medium size Chow/Retriever mix. I guess I could take my TAG in the car to the park but that seems to silly for a 2 block stint. We are not too far from the famous Balboa Park in San Diego so that might be a possibility.

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I take Elmo around town in his harness. He does into 7-11, the pet store, anywhere really he is allowed to go. The clips don't ever seem to bother Elmo, so I'm going to stay with the feather tether.


The only thing I would be really worried about would be dogs and hawks. Cats are small enough that is they charged you could kick them away, but a beagle that was dead set on getting your bird would be a bit harder to fend off.

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I have the aviator for Alex and love it! There is only one small piece of metal on the whole piece and that is where the bungy part ist attached to the rest of the harnes. The dvd is great on teaching how to get them into it. Alex likes to step up while I'm still getting hihim into it. I think this is mostly because he is excited to go and doesn't want to wait for me to finish! :)


Cdelatorrejr I live in San Diego also. Alex has gone all over with me. The mall, kids school, parks. I have never had a problem with him anywhere we go.

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You can tell they get very happy for being out because they forget everything about the harness once you are out, and noah became much nicer to me outside not as moody as he is inside.


So i really recommend that you take your bird for a walk sometimes.



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I think its very healthy for them to get many stimuli ofcourse you can start with few minutes walks then longer Walks.


But the area i live in is so dead and quiet, i was hoping that he will meet other people in our way thats how you can make them more flexible by exposing them for new experience.



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