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Doesn't like toys & can't fly (long)


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I've had Baxter a little over a month now, he's 12 years old. All I know about his first family was they had him about 10 years, ended up putting him in the basement and got tired of him, then gave him to another guy. The last guy never let him out of his cage.I know he was cage bound the last 2 years and probably his entire life:( The more I have him the more I think his he has been really really neglected and I'm surprised he doesn't have any more issues than he does. He's a great bird and I love him.If I just feel so sorry for what he has probably went though. He only had 2 old toys when I got him, he was only on a seed diet for parrots and when he came here the only snacks he would take at first was junk food. He used to throw his healthy foods out of his cage when I first introduced them to him but He is now loving his fresh veggies and dried fruit along with his seeds diet (for parrots) and I am trying to get him used to new foods as I think of them, too. Fresh fruits I try but he wants no part of them yet.


Back to the toys, he would only occassionally pick at the toys but never really play with them so I bought him tons of new toys but he showed little to no interest. He liked the simple things, the bells and eventually the straw balls that he could tear up but nothing that really hung in the cage. I tried them outside first, then inside, but nothing. I read the post about someone else whos' bird was neglected and they were told that us people owned by their CAGS must play with them first. Well, I've been doing that with no results for a little while, untill today. I put together a toy that he was a little used to, some chains and a bell and some wood blocks layered on a rope. He hasn't like blocks so far. I've been "teaching" him to play with them against his wishes it seems and showing him how fun they are:silly: Well today he was getting aggrevated with the toys and with me and he grabbed that bell and shook it and shook it and shook it like the monitors on a childs playground telling them to go in:woohoo: That's what he looked like too, someone ringing a bell. Yea! Then I would take the ropes and go over his toes and over his beak and wings, then he started biting and tugging it. Yea!! Then I left him alone but continued to play with the wood blocks. Eventually I brought them close to him and he started nibbling on them to (untill he realized what he was doing LOL) I feel like this is major progress for Baxter and I am so happy about it. Maybe he will continue to gain interest. Atleast I'm very hopeful.


2nd issue


Now, since he has been cage bound probably all of his life, he doens't fly. His wings are not clipped and probably never have been. Now I might let everyone know that when we brought him home the first thing we did was open the cage door and let him come and go as he pleased. It took him 3 days to figure out to go on perch on top and a day or two to figure out how to get back inside his cage. I had to teach him Step Up, too which made life so much easier! He loves his freedom now and comes and goes as he pleases:) He started flapping his wings when I would hold him on my arm. I let him. No problem. But noticed if he slipped he would go almost straight down. :ohmy: He didn't know how to flap at first and had a couple kind of bad falls which scared me. Now he is flapping his wings on me more than I want him too which is good I just wish he would practice on top of his cage. But now he is starting to let go of my fingers and trying to fly off but I am scared he is going to hurt himself, When he flys (and I use that lightly) he takes off but continually goes in a downward movement and lands in a thump most of the time but he is getting better. he has never went up. When he lands it's much better but he still has no control and ususally bumps something pretty good because he just doesn't know how. I want him to get the confidence to fly or atleast feel confident in the flapping part but am scared to death he will break a bone or feathers and really end up injured. Does anyone have any advice. He doesn't flap unless he is on my arm. I am now getting scared to let him do this but don't want to discourage him either. What do I do?


Those are main issues right now. I think Baxter is really happy otherwise. I take him all over the house with me when I can. He talks to me in the mornings, then in the afternoon and talks more in the evenings. He is picking up so many new words and he is using them in context which is so cool:lol: . It's great and he cracks me up so much of the time. He is such a joy to have around and I want to make up for the bad treatment he has received. I think the previous owners just didn't know any better and didn't care to learn. It's amazing he is such a good bird. He lets me pet him all over his head, back and wings. He expects it in the evenings and really gets into it. During the day, he likes to have me around but not touch him too much. He never bites me anymore, He did the first couple days.


Sorry this is so long, but didn't know how to say all I wanted to without putting all that in. Any advice would be appreciated.

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First...the toys. Elmo gets all the toys she wants and has had tons of toys before she was fully feathered. She really likes the foot toys and smaller conure sized hanging toys. She seems to like anything with rubber ducks on it and now she is a fan of the blocks. In time you'll find out what Baxters favs are.


For the flying, is Baxter fat? Being cage bound for so long on a seed diet I'm sure would make him a pudgie bird, so you may want to just keep him flapping for now to get some much needed workouts. Also, keep him over a soft surface when he seems in the mood to try and fly. The keel bone is a nasty bone to break so just use common sense with him.


It's good to hear he is doing so well, I love hearing about parrots getting a second (or third) shot at a happy life.

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I weighed him last night and he weighed 15.9 ounces, so almost a pound. Is that about right? He seems pretty heavy to me and that would make sense why he drops down like he does. That was a great idea what you said. Thanks. I will try and be near the sofa when he is flapping or guide him that way. Didn't think of that before (Duh):side: . :whistle: I don't want to discourage him but it would crush me if he got hurt. He is having lots of new "firsts" with me and I think he likes it. Thanks again.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/21 05:15

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Are you able to touch his keel? That is the best way to check your birds weight...when it comes to being fat that is. Like with Elmo, she weighs 385g. The average weight for a CAG is around 500g, so looking at the number you would think she was skeletal but when you feel the meat next to the keel bone you can tell she is at her healthy weight. If there is any cleavage or if you can't feel the keel you know you have a fat bird. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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yeah, if you can't feel the breast bone he's fat.:woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: That may be one reason he can't really fly. It sounds like your on the right track on him on a healthy diet, so that will do wonders for him. Letting him flap will burn some fat but just don't let him take off over a tile floor.

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Thats a good weight for a Cag I would no worry my Tyco is a very big bird she weighs 550 to 560 on an average I weigh her daily and he weight go up and down from those weghts and she is not fat she just a big boned girl LOL I'm so glad that Baxter is doing so well for you he sounds like a lot of fun. My Tyco doesn't know how to fly either I don't think she was ever allowed to Fledge as a baby I'm hoping that she will take some lessons from My other birds. Its funny you should say she gets mushy at night and thats when she want pet and to be lovey because Tyco's the same way. For about a half hour before bed Tyco is almot begging for scritches and pets and kisses any kind of affection. But not during the day in the day she want me to play with her and her toys or she wants to help me eat half my lunch or dinner. When bed time rolls around she says night night and I say yes pretty soon and I know that my que to go and get her so she can have her before bed snuggles. I had to teach Tyco how to play with toys also She doesn't really like hanging toys much with the exception of her big brass bell she loves to ring that when ever she wants attention. She really really likes foot toys and climbing toys she love big ropes with Knots that she can climb and also her boing she also love branches off my lilac tree that she can hold and chew the bark off. I took a while to figure out what kind of things that she finds fun to play with but now that I know she has tons and tons of stuff she loves baby rattle with plastic rings on them that she can chew off of things that spin she also loves rubber duck toys or anything that makes noise like wiffle ballsand plastic prisons with bells inside she also likes her wooden walnut ball I posted a picture of it a couple of weeks ago.itys a wood ball made of dowels with a walnut traped inside they come in all sizes she prefer the smaller one but she will destroy a small one daily so I buy her the bigger ones now at least they last a couple weeks. at $10.00 each they can add up quick if she goes through 1 a day like the smaller ones. anyway I would try releasing Baxter over a bed take him into your bedroom for flying lessons and start actually releasing him over your bed so he has a soft landing but can still have some distance to fly and just keep moving further back as he gets better and better at it. after he has his landings perfected then you won't have to worry any more.

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That's very good advice Tycos Mom. I just need to make sure he has a cushiony spot. I really don't care if he flies or not. I just want him to be able to land safely. And very helpful info on the toys. Just curious, where do put the foot toys? On the bottom of the cage? do you tie them and hang them. Baxter used to love his little round ball with the bell on it. He would swing it back and forth and finally zing it off the cage:laugh: . Then one day he just quit playing with it untill I hung it beside his perch on a short short chain about 2", now he plays with it sometimes. I've heard others talk of the foot toys. They seem pretty popular with greys and maybe he would like more of them but he doesn't go to the bottom of his cage very often and when he's on top he spends most of his time on the big perch up there. I think he's just been on a perch almost all his life and he don't know what else to do. He is changing though and He is so willing once he gets over his skiddishness. Tonight I got his table perch and put it on the floor and we played "Newspaper" That was great fun:woohoo: I would tear strips off and let him watch, then I would show him and he would back away. He started "testing" the paper out with his tongue and finally when I was tearing the strips he was stretching his neck to get them and pull them from my hand and kill them:laugh: Paper strips are evil you know:evil: I had a blast untill untill the game was over and I realized the mess we made:angry: And he is such the lover at night. He never gets tired of me petting him and his eyes will get all foggy and then eventually close. The head tilts back like he is in heaven. About an hour later I get sad because it's bedtime and I hate to put him to sleep because my nights over:( Here's a (bad)pic of us playing newspaper. (the flash was too bright) Maybe we will do it again tomorrow:silly: newspaper.jpg


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/21 06:54<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/21 06:57


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Those are HUGE accomplishments BaxtersMom!!!


Great Job!!!


Baxter is sure enjoying the new home, love, freedom and entertaining atmosphere you are providing. I doubt that he ever flapped in the cage. Therefore his pectoral muscles have atrophied during all these years. Just like humans stricken to bed for a month or more, all muscles become very weak quickly and strength wanes.


Obviously, by nature he knows he is built to fly with those wings. :-) In allowing him to flap, build muscle and figure it out. You are encouraging his natural instincts to kick in and be explored. To help him along safely, you can do a few things. First, try to get him to flap while perched on your hand in a blade fashion with it vertical. Clasp his Talons with your thumb to lock him down. Then encourage him to flap by slowly moving your arm down then back up repeating until he is flapping each down cycle. he will get the idea and build those pectoral muscles and have fun at the same time.


Doing this in a small room such as your bedroom is probably a great spot. Which seems to be the room you are in, in the photo. This does two things. You can release and allow him to try and fly down, yet safely since his drop will be cushioned by the bed/blankets. Secondly, the room is not long or wide enough for him to build up too much speed before he gets to a wall and realizes he does not know how to turn :P. The slower speed will keep him from being harmed, other than his pride. :-)


Once he is able to fly horizontal, gain altitude, turn etc. you can go to a little larger room where he can build a little more speed and have greater maneuvering space.


Also, help him gain control and confidence by encouraging short flights to targeted landing spots such as your arm from a near by perch. repeat it several times so he can get speed, slow down and landing perfected.


It is certainly wonderful to hear of the real Grey that is blossoming out under you care and love. He sounds like a real character and is finally learning that life is fun and playing due to you showing him how. Thats how they learn from infancy, by the example the flock sets through their actions.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/21 14:35

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Thanks DanMcQ, you always seem so knowledgable and explain things so well. I appreciate everyones help and advice because Baxter wouldn't blossom without everyones input. (It takes a village to raise a grey:) )He can only go as far as my knowledge will take him and that's why I need everyones help. I am definatley limited with experience but Baxter and everyone on this forum really make it fun for us. I think Baxter will be a great success story thanks to all everyones help. Thanks everyone. It means alot to me.

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Tycos_mom wrote:

Thats a good weight for a Cag I would no worry my Tyco is a very big bird she weighs 550 to 560 on an average


That is in the average weights for a CAG but if Baxter is on the smaller size it's also a weight that could be too high. Like I said before, Elmo is 385g and is at a perfect weight for her size. If she went up to 420g it would still be a normal weight on average for a grey but she would be a huge tub at that size. I say the number on the scale is not as important as the size of the bird. If you can not feel the keel then you have a bird that is at high risk for fatty liver and heart problems. Adding more veggies and getting the sunflowers out of the diet will go a long long way for him to get the weight down.


I just wanted to clear that up.B) ;):P

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I checked him out some more. I don't think he's fat or overweight. I think you might have misread an earlier post. It said I could feel his breast bone. It actually feels kind of skinny there. He is good sized bird but I have been checking his areas and don't feel any fatty parts. His legs look the biggest out of anything. I am worried that he does not eat. I feed his his normal stuff in the mornings and of course he gets other things a few times a day but at night his bowl is almost as full as when I started. That was another worry I had. I didn't have anything to compare his eating to untill the Bonkers the conure came here and that little thing eats like a pig :woohoo: but figured he's more active so he burns more calories. I still think Baxter should eat more. How much does a "normal" grey eat a day? Does anyone know?

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Geez...I need to get my eyes checked. I could have sworn yoiu said you couldn't feel his keel.:pinch:


Yeah, if the keel is easily felt he's good. It should feel like it's a bit thin, but still a little meat on ether side of the keel.


Birds really don't eat that much in a day. I use one of those scoops that come with coffee and give one scoop of his seed and one of him pellets...sometimes a little more. He'll eat the stuff he likes like grapes and corn till he explodes though.

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LOL.:laugh: You have me cracking up now. You said keel and I didn't know what or where that was so I went to the online dictionary. It said it was the bottom of a boat so I figured it was the bottom of Baxter:) . I was poking around on his butt to see how much fat was there:silly: :blush: I did check his breast bone and I definately felt that. So his breast bone is the keel? I'm gonna ask this time. As for the food thats about what I give Baxter too. About 1 1/2 coffee scoops of of the seeds, about 1 1/2 of the pellets and 1 1/2 more of the dried fruit mix. So that is about right you think? Or too much. He leaves so much. Then a few goodies through out the day. It's funny he will eat club crackers but throw the saltines away:P

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LOL...yes, the keel in the breast bone.


I can just picture you poking around his butt...Hahahahaha!!! :blink: :woohoo: :laugh: If Baxter could I bet he would be saying..."SHE SAID KEEL WOMAN...NOT COP A FEEL!!!"


That sounds about right. If you don't want as much waist you can cut to just on scoop of each with the half of the dried fruit. When I give Elmo a little Boca Nut no Shell I give less of the base diet.

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Wow, sounds like Grey't progress :) You should be very proud and I am sure Baxter appreciates all you are doing. It is amazing and humbling how resilient animals can be.


Certainly 12 yrs old is enough for Baxter to have an established personality, but keep in mind he/she is really just a teenager. Keep doing what you are doing. The progress you note in 1 month time is amazing. 1 month is nothing in the life span of a parrot. For them to learn a new home, new owner, new food, new surrounding etc etc. It really sounds like Baxter is really progressing quickly! ;) In a few more months or a year from now I bet he will be very established and really letting his personality shine. Keep up the work with toy introduction etc, he'll get into it and start having fun!


Regarding flight, it sounds like Baxter will take to this well. If you are correct and he never really was allowed to fly then it sounds like his determination is very high since you describe him already now attempting flapping and short flights. Remeber, flying is a learned skill for birds and something they must regularly do to be proficient at. As others have suggested try to minimize potential for injury while he learns/practices but make no mistake...crash landings are part of learning. Kip went through this too as a youngster (from 6 to 18 months) as she was not allowed to fully fledge and was then clipped when we got her. However, as her flights grew in and she practiced with much encouragement from us...she is now a very proficient flier and you can tell she loves it. I personally love watching them in flight. So amazing, so graceful (when they are good at it) and you can just tell they love it and are meant to do it B)


Keep up the good work and keep us posted!!:)

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