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Christian wrote:

I recall a thread about something along the line of... we dont care about you or your life. just the grey. not an exact quote but thats more or less what it said. So its hard not to take it personally.


That's not what it means..it means that we are not worried about you..we are worried about your grey..

Please dont take any of this personally and just understand what we are trying to do!! I bet you have a lovely grey and love it dearly, but you must know how to take care of it properly!

And the amount of money you spend on them doesnt show how much you care for them! Its how YOU treat them not the doctors! Dont take it personally.. leaving the site because you dont like the people that are trying to help you, WON"T help your bird..it may make you feel better..but you joined so that you can get help with your grey! So let us help you!

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Leaving the site, which is a wonderful source of information and help for you and your Grey as He grows rapidly and crosses many phases between now and a year old may not be the best choice.


I understand how you feel at this moment. Perhaps this thread has lived it's usefulness and all responses should be ignored by you and they will stop.


Having passed this terrible incident both for your Grey and yourself. It may be better to start sharing the cute things your Grey is doing, how he is progressing weight wise, feathering, photos of him etc. :-)


You are young and have endured some fairly harsh, yet truthful criticism and dealt with it pretty well. Without really getting too nasty or flaming on someone. Which, believe me, we have seen on this forum in the past by some very volatile people.


Stay, read, enjoy and post..... We do not wish to drive you away. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/24 13:42

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Please don't leave this forum in a fit of temper because he or she said, people are only offering you their advise. And that comes fom many years of experience. I am twice your age and just have my new Grey he is only 5 months old, I decided to wait a little longer and to have him weaned before I took him, because of my life style, I work outside the home all day. I purchased every book I could to read before Mika arrived and thought I was well prepared but please believe me I wasn't.

I found this site about 2 days after Mika arrived and have had more questions and concerned answered than any book I could have read.

I am not saying by any means not to read books, they are a good source of information, but you can never turn your back on peoples experiences.

Post, listen, and learn I am and enjoy your little guy if you choose not to take someones advise keep reading the posts if you find they are all saying the same thing, there maybe truth to it. In life there are all experiences some good and some bad, we learn fast from the bad.

You have had a bad experience, learn from it and grow. There is not one person here that over the years have not had a bad experience but as you can see fromm all the posts, they ask questions.

I will not judge you nor will I agree with some of your decisions, but I will ask that you let this experience drop and stay and learn and ask as many questions as you can. If you have to leave your little guy, ask what other people do in that situation. You may find alternatives or a way around problems.

I can only say that with out all the help I get on a daily basis here I would be having a lot of problems, please let us enjoy both you and your little guy and lots of pics of him growing up.

For both of you this experience can only do you good, it has me and I am talking only for my self.


Good luck to both of you,


Carolyn & Mika

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Well things have got a little heated here and things have been said that may not have meant to sound negative (depending on which way you read posts)


There are things which I agree with and things I dont and it's up to you whether you stay, read and learn.


People here love their greys and this forum is dedicated to maintaining their wellbeing and sharing experiences. I have learnt from it and so have may of the others. With owning a grey I dont think you can ever stop learning. I have learnt more from this site than I have from any book I have read (I have read loads)


My suggestion would be not to leave for the sake of your grey as I am sure there are lots of questions you may have in this cruicial period of your greys life that can only be answered by those with more experience than you.


Whatever your decision I wish you and your grey the best of luck


Nims and Indy

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Christian, please do not leave the site. As other members have said here, it is a wonderful source of information.


I know you may have felt like you were being attacked for doing what the people at the pet store had said to do, but believe me, you were not. The members here are just deeply concerned for the wellness of your bird. it can sometimes seem overwhelming when you have many people responding to your post as they care about your bird. Anyways, now that you are getting done with school you can spend all your time with Gatiep, right? :) This forum is a wonderful place to share and learn, and i hope you stay an active member for a while.


Please keep us updated on Gatiep.



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