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"I know it's probably too late now, but is there any reason the breeder had you take the Grey home before it was weaned?" - Danmcq


In South Africa it seems that selling unweaned babies is the norm. When we bought Zahzu we were very unaware unfortunately, we were told to feed her warm mixture three times per day, and given a photocopied handout and told "thats all the information you will need". We had no idea how to wean her or anything, thankfully we found this forum! We have learned so much from it!



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My husband had hand fed his ringneck before, but i was a complete ignoramous! ;-)

It has become one of my pet hates too - where I come from, it's actually ILLEGAL to sell an unweaned baby, and when you buy a parrot, they are tame, socialised and well adjusted... it's a big problem here though. However when I broached the subject with one place that sells birds, they had the idea that the bird won't bond with the owner if they owner doesn't hand feed - and that is nonsense as we all know.


Anyway, I'm just soooooo glad I found this forum! :))



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personally I'm glad I have a baby. because how else do you get any taining feeding a baby. yes some people do screw it up. you only learn by doing. books can only do so much.... by the way. I bought a book today. lol! so the more I know the better, but the only you gain experience is by doing something. you dont learn to drive by reading a book do you?:S

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No you dont learn to drive from reading a book but hopefully you have someone sitting next to you guiding you !! Learning to drive is not comparable in my view to handfeeding a baby, you are the sole provider for that babies welfare & every need.Sorry Christian but perhaps you should have got that book prior to getting your baby,then the incident with the tube may have been avoided,yes accidents do happen to quote you, but that accident could have quite easily cost a life.You wont change my views on novices hand feeding,but it seems also your not willing to take my advice either.

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Guest Skuffy

Ummmmm...Its the same as feeding a child..And theres no books come with feeding your baby..Don't worry,,from what am reading your doing ok,,

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You learn by both book and hands on guidance by a professional instructing you. There are too many "Unknowns" that books can not possibly cover. The unknowns, are what gets the inexperienced in trouble.


Thankfully, the syringe tip incident did not result in surgery or death. I know it's too late now and you are doing all you can to ensure your baby is taken care of.


Hopefully, any new Parrot owner thinking about taking on the feeding task of a baby Parrot, will read this and decide not to.

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Mark, your analogy is a little off track.


Human babies being fed by humans is natural and thats what the breast's are for. It's natural feeding and just "happens" between Humans and their babies.


Taking a Parrot from the nest and feeding it by a syringe, spoon or any other device is not natural and does not come naturally to Humans.


Hand feeding a Parrot is not natural between the two different species and is a very delicate operation that can mean death to them very easily. It is a technique, proper formula, amount, frequency, temperature etc. that must be learned from a professional.


A hand-fed baby Parrot at the untrained hands of an amateur does not result in optimum results.

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Sorry Mark i disagree with you,we don't stick tubes down our babies throats & force them to eat fast for our convenience ! & in 99% of cases maternal instinct kicks in naturally with our human babies.


I dont force feed the baby and I dont stick a tube down its throat!! It takes me 20 mins(yeah I timed it!!) to feed the grey . I take my time! but if I can save myself the 5 mins that I do while spoon feeding instead of with a spoon WITHOUT!!! forcing or harming the grey whats so wrong with it! the tube was about 7cm long the only reason it got swollowed was because the tip of the beak got hold of it! and the people at the pet shop said its how to feed the baby. so instead of jumping down my throat and saying i stick a tube down a greys throat and force it to eat quickly at my own conveniece maybe you should try and understand what happend better mmmm??

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I can't speak for the other that have answered this thread, but there are a couple of things that concern me personally. You do not seem to appreciate the seriousness of what has happened to your baby grey or if you do, then that is not the impression you are conveying to us. You follow comments with Lol and smiley faces leading me to believe that you find it funny. I do not.


The people who are advising you are not concerned about you, or the time you have available to you, or even the methods that you use to feed your grey. Our concern is only for your baby. We are a grey forum, and we love our greys, and we do tend to get very emotional at what we perceive to be negligence on the part of an owner.


You say that you feed your grey without forcing or harming him. But he is only 7 weeks old and has already been to the vet having swallowed a tube. Instead of getting defensive about your methods, perhaps you should listen to some expert advice on how to prevent such accidents in the future?




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Gee I am so glad I got an adult grey. Seems so much easier and this is why I would be scared to get a baby. I have no experience at all so can't give any advice on what to do with a baby grey but Christian is letting us all know what's going on(right or wrong) and the people who are experienced should guide him and help him. This discussion is getted heated:angry:  and I do understand why. I just think Christian has a new baby and needs advice on it and maybe he won't take all advice but he probably will take a lot it.  I hope this wasn't a mistake posting this but it is how I felt at the moment. I'd hate to see Christian leave the site because he's frustrated. 

Christian do you have any books on baby greys and how to care for them or even online. I know I have no idea myself and books may be kind of general but do cover lots of topics. I got one for Baxter and I do find myself going back in it for reference from time  to time or I ask here for the experts opinions and get lots of great advice always. I do agree with what the previous user said that you don't sound all that concerned about everythin going but I'm sure you are. Your title to the post was Almost Dead really caught all us grey lovers attention!! And we are almarmed. Everyone is just here to try and help and I can tell they are very concerned about the baby. This baby is a huge responsibility and believe it is a crucial time in his life. We all need to pull together on this one.  


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/23 21:53<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/23 22:01

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so using a smiley faces suggests that I find it funny. but I guess going to different vets and paing R700 was no consern to me. I just could have left him alone. I dont recal anything that sais... hey! dont let him get the tube. Clearly you want too read want you want and not everything. They said its how I should feed the baby... not me... the experts. and what happend? they were wrong. Now I get shit because the xperts cost me money. Just because I use smiley faces it doesnt mean I see the matter as funny. If its sooooo funny. why didnt I just leave the bird? Why did I call people to get info? why did I pay R550 extra just to keep the vets waiting? because I find it funny? well if you think so then I'll be smart and keep my comments to myself

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BaxtersMom wrote:

Gee I am so glad I got an adult grey. Seems so much easier and this is why I would be scared to get a baby. I have no experience at all so can't give any advice on what to do with a baby grey but Christian is letting us all know what's going on(right or wrong) and the people who are experienced should guide him and help him. This discussion is getted heated:angry:  and I do understand why. I just think Christian has a new baby and needs advice on it and maybe he won't take all advice but he probably will take a lot it.  I hope this wasn't a mistake posting this but it is how I felt at the moment. I'd hate to see Christian leave the site because he's frustrated. 

Christian do you have any books on baby greys and how to care for them or even online. I know I have no idea myself and books may be kind of general but do cover lots of topics. I got one for Baxter and I do find myself going back in it for reference from time  to time or I ask here for the experts opinions and get lots of great advice always. I do agree with what the previous user said that your smiley faces do look like you are not taking it seriously but I'm sure you are. This baby is a huge responsibility and believe it is a crucial time in his life.  <br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/23 21:53


yeah i would agree. an adult is easier than a baby too feed. I got a book today. when I went to buy the grey they didnt have. I would have bought one because they are right next to the till. I only put smiley faces on depending on my mood at that moment. not on the situation. leave the site out of frustration..... yeah I'm getting pretty close to that. being critisized becuae I made a mistake and nobody knows me so now I'm being judged. Yeah really close to the point of leaving. I really love Gatiep. I worried my ass off. I took action. I did what needed to be done and kept a cool head. If I didnt care. Why do I feed him. Why did I spend R9000 so far on him. Why do I try my best take make things easier for him. mmmm... Must be because I dont take anything serious. You know what... Your all right. Your not critisizing me or saying anything to judge me. I might need to learn a thing or 7 about greys. But the rest sure as hell need to learn me before they judge me.

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No one is attacking you Christian, one of our members had an incident with a tube not so long ago and the baby needed surgery. The spoonfeeding method has been suggested as I dont think the risks are there as in tube feeding.

Just make sure you read your books as there is so much to learn about greys, I have two and am still learning new things all the time. Ask for advice and everyone will help. Use this forum to your advantage and it will help you with your new baby. Read through all the threads in the nursery as these will help with feeding and weaning. I hope everything works out well for you. Dont take anything personally, we just love our greys.;)

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I am not judging you and I never will. I too am inexeperienced and don't want to be judged either. I think everyone is concerned about the baby and it's a heated subject. Don't give up. I think it's just an emotional subject. I did re write/edit the comment about the smileys because I really didn't see any that bad.

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Ok Christian i have offered you advice which clearly you are unwilling to take.

You have now clearly launched a personal attack on me by continually quoting me & ignoring the comments & concerns expressed by the other members.My only concern here is the welfare of the baby.Let me quote just a few of your remarks...



"the point of his beak grabs hold of the tube and pulls it of... and being a smart bird he swallows it"


This shows me your inexperience with hand feeding,you had a lucky escape & already at 7 weeks your baby has had to suffer this trauma.



"He is 7 weeks now I feed him 3 syringes twice a day. the reason I use a syringe is because it seems a bit faster. I have to get to school early. and standing up at 6am is already hard enough."


OK so now you have put your grey through the trauma with the tube,your now just using the syringe, because i quote " it seems a bit faster " So you see you need to get up early to feed your grey,so i wonder did you fully research the time & commitment it would take to hand feed a baby ?



I dont rush him. but using a syringe is faster than a spoon. nope nobody home. but I leave the tv on for him " & "I leave home at 7am and back hom at 2pm "


Again back to what is fast for you ? Leaving a 7 week old baby grey at home with the TV on is in my view not acceptable,this a crucial age in his development,he dosent have the benefit of clutch mates,so you should be there for him,it's far to easy for a young grey left alone to miss out on developing the necessary social skills,he may become withdrawn.



" I bought a book today. lol! so the more I know the better, but the only you gain experience is by doing something."


Well it's a shame you didn't buy the book before you brought your baby home, A book can only guide you a little perhaps some more research in to feeding would have worked in your favour.Hand feeding a baby grey is a big commitment,correct temperature of food.correct amount etc..being aware of all the possible problems that can occur with the crop & knowing exactly what to do in each scenario if the need arises.It is not for the novice.


I wish you well with your baby Christian,i have said my piece,i have offered my experience & the offer still stands if you wish to take it up, but i will not be drawn into a public back & forth slanging match on this thread, at the end of the day i dedicate a large amount of my time to this forum & i will not tolerate personal attacks.

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I know that this is all new to you and its very obvios to me that you love your new bird with every part of your being. I know what thats like haveing a helpless baby that your responsible for is a very big thing. Someone dropped an unweaned Cocateil on my doorstep last year and I was frantic to get as much advice as possible on hand feeding as fast as I could so this little one wouldn't die on me. I had lots of hand feeding experiance with dogs as I used to breed them and many times i had to hand feed pups for one reason or another. I even had to handfeed a newborn squirrl once because he fell out of his nest as a baby. but the litte bird was a whole differnt story. We did manage to get through it with allot of help from freinds who are breeders but I was so scared because so many things can happen with birds they aree different than mammals and have alot of different needs its scarry buissness and please take all the advise you can because you'll need it weather it seems like it right now or not

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Ok Christian i have offered you advice which clearly you are unwilling to take.

You have now clearly launched a personal attack on me by continually quoting me & ignoring the comments & concerns expressed by the other members.My only concern here is the welfare of the baby.Let me quote just a few of your remarks...



"the point of his beak grabs hold of the tube and pulls it of... and being a smart bird he swallows it"


This shows me your inexperience with hand feeding,you had a lucky escape & already at 7 weeks your baby has had to suffer this trauma.



"He is 7 weeks now I feed him 3 syringes twice a day. the reason I use a syringe is because it seems a bit faster. I have to get to school early. and standing up at 6am is already hard enough."


OK so now you have put your grey through the trauma with the tube,your now just using the syringe, because i quote " it seems a bit faster " So you see you need to get up early to feed your grey,so i wonder did you fully research the time & commitment it would take to hand feed a baby ?



I dont rush him. but using a syringe is faster than a spoon. nope nobody home. but I leave the tv on for him " & "I leave home at 7am and back hom at 2pm "


Again back to what is fast for you ? Leaving a 7 week old baby grey at home with the TV on is in my view not acceptable,this a crucial age in his development,he dosent have the benefit of clutch mates,so you should be there for him,it's far to easy for a young grey left alone to miss out on developing the necessary social skills,he may become withdrawn.



" I bought a book today. lol! so the more I know the better, but the only you gain experience is by doing something."


Well it's a shame you didn't buy the book before you brought your baby home, A book can only guide you a little perhaps some more research in to feeding would have worked in your favour.Hand feeding a baby grey is a big commitment,correct temperature of food.correct amount etc..being aware of all the possible problems that can occur with the crop & knowing exactly what to do in each scenario if the need arises.It is not for the novice.


I wish you well with your baby Christian,i have said my piece,i have offered my experience & the offer still stands if you wish to take it up, but i will not be drawn into a public back & forth slanging match on this thread, at the end of the day i dedicate a large amount of my time to this forum & i will not tolerate personal attacks.


did you nitoice me saying I have school?? tomorrow is my record exham. Im gone at 7 back at 11. offcorse I'm going to get pissed if you keep attacking me. saying I'm cruell. I have an Idea. Why dodnt you just leave your comments and advice to yourself and I'll find somebody who is whilling to help me without all the critisizing. theres a lot of good people and talking to one less will not bother me.

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Tycos_mom wrote:

I know that this is all new to you and its very obvios to me that you love your new bird with every part of your being. I know what thats like haveing a helpless baby that your responsible for is a very big thing. Someone dropped an unweaned Cocateil on my doorstep last year and I was frantic to get as much advice as possible on hand feeding as fast as I could so this little one wouldn't die on me. I had lots of hand feeding experiance with dogs as I used to breed them and many times i had to hand feed pups for one reason or another. I even had to handfeed a newborn squirrl once because he fell out of his nest as a baby. but the litte bird was a whole differnt story. We did manage to get through it with allot of help from freinds who are breeders but I was so scared because so many things can happen with birds they aree different than mammals and have alot of different needs its scarry buissness and please take all the advise you can because you'll need it weather it seems like it right now or not


i use the advice even if it doessnt sound like it. If I knew that the tube would have gotten swollowed I never would have used one. The experts told me to do it. So I did it. It didnt work now I'm getting blamed. fair enough, but then people should critisize me. its like I'm a criminal or cruel. I imagen It can be pretty fun to have a baby squirrl. My mom had a bush baby when she was young. But I'm not too fond of my room smelling like pee all the time. lol

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casper wrote:

No one is attacking you Christian, one of our members had an incident with a tube not so long ago and the baby needed surgery. The spoonfeeding method has been suggested as I dont think the risks are there as in tube feeding.

Just make sure you read your books as there is so much to learn about greys, I have two and am still learning new things all the time. Ask for advice and everyone will help. Use this forum to your advantage and it will help you with your new baby. Read through all the threads in the nursery as these will help with feeding and weaning. I hope everything works out well for you. Dont take anything personally, we just love our greys.;)


You might want to read the forum again. being call someone who is cruel is pretty offencive coiming from someone who doesnt know anything about me. I can understand that you all love your greys. but does that mean you hate the owner how makes a mistake. I recall a thread about something along the line of... we dont care about you or your life. just the grey. not an exact quote but thats more or less what it said. So its hard not to take it personally.

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BaxtersMom wrote:

I am not judging you and I never will. I too am inexeperienced and don't want to be judged either. I think everyone is concerned about the baby and it's a heated subject. Don't give up. I think it's just an emotional subject. I did re write/edit the comment about the smileys because I really didn't see any that bad.


I think I'm going to leave the site. and come back in 2 months when the baby is still kicking and can feed itself. It was real nice talking to you. I'll see you on 24th of Oktorber depending on how i feel. either the 24th of Oktober or never. You are more than welcome to email me at koring16@hotmail.com. I'll keep you up to date on Gatiep


and by to everybody else. Thanks for all the advice.

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