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Almost dead!!


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wow! what a bad day! so I give Gatiep his midday meal and as I give him the last bit, the point of his beak grabs hold of the tube and pulls it of... and being a smart bird he swallows it.. So 3 vets later and R700 less in the bank he is ok. worst hour of my life!

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You must have been devastated I know I would be I'd have to get someone to drive me to the vet because I would be crying and worried there is no way I'd be able to control myself enough to drive. how is he is he okay hows his crop any damage what a awful thing to happen. I read that some people use a paper cups to feed there larger birds because you can squeese them into the shape of a beak and they fit into the babys moth and actualy push on the pumping refex at the back of their beak which causes them to easily drink I think you have to use 2 cups inside each other so the are strong enough but I hear its more like getting fed by thier parents. you could try it least you would not have to worry about him hurting himself again

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htanks for the concern. luckily he is ok. the tube was on its way to the 2nd tummy. lol(cant remember how to spell the word (properly. lol)ust a few mins away from surgery. Luckly no damage. at the moment he is on my lap talking away.


what the vet did... she felt around his crop a bit and said that if the dont get him to sleep soon they would have to opperate on him. so the got him under narcotics and removed the food from his crop and slowly worked the tube up the food pipe(forgot the word again. lol).. man I need to get better at spelling in english. lol.


but he is safe and sound. Im just happy he didnt die! good thing that a prayer doesnt come with a bill. lol

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Sorry to hear that Christian.


Here are a few threads that are worth a read if you are not experienced in hand feeding.....






lol. the handfeeding I can do. but accidents happen<br><br>Post edited by: Christian, at: 2008/08/21 06:23

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Christian wrote:

lovemyGreys wrote:
Sorry to hear that Christian.


Here are a few threads that are worth a read if you are not experienced in hand feeding.....






lol. the handfeeding I can do. but accidents happen<br><br>Post edited by: Christian, at: 2008/08/21 06:23


Have you experience in hand-feeding then ? Perhaps change to spoon feeding it dosent carry the same risks of tube feeding & in my opinion is a much kinder method to feed a baby ;)

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Christian: I'm so glad everything turned out okay- I bet that was a terribly scary experience, but your quick thinking and getting him to the vet right away saved him. I spoon fed my grey when he was a baby, it's just as easy as a syringe so you may want to give it a try. Hope the rest of your week is pleasantly undramatic!

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@ lovemygreys... He is 7 weeks now I feed him 3 syringes twice a day. the reason I use a syringe is because it seems a bit faster. I have to get to school early. and standing up at 6am is already hard enough.


@ lyric. lol! I wish! If its not one thing its the next. Stupid school! good thing tomorrow is the last day... n\then next week its exams. that should get the stress levels back up again. lol

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I am curious as to what experience you had prior to this with handfeeding baby birds? Have you tried a spoon with another bird and found it to be too slow?


You baby is only 7 weeks old, he is very young to be left on his own all day long. Doesnt anybody come and check on him during the day while you are out?

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Sorry Christain by faster for who ? You or your baby ? This isnt a personal attack,but it is unfair to leave a 7 week old baby at home with the TV for company.This is such a crucial time in his development,He has no clutch mates for company or to learn social skills with,he needs attention through out the day,now is the time to be introducing him to new foods & stimulating him,i do hope he dosent become withdrawn for your sake.This is my personal opinion & im sure others will add theirs.

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I agree with LMG and Siobha, 7 weeks is way too young to be left alone. Also, depending on the length of time you are gone, it could be too long between feedings at that age.


I know it's probably too late now, but is there any reason the breeder had you take the Grey home before it was weaned?

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