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When did your grey start talking?


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There was a recent post about this same thing.


Saphira just recently started and she is about 4 to 4.5 months old. She has been testing making every type of sound for a while and about two weeks ago she said "Pretty Bird" for the first time.

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okay, i was wondering, my johnny is 7.5 months old. he has lots of sounds but no words. sometimes it sounds like he is trying but usually stops and starts a different sound. once i thought he said step up. i was just wondering the normal time he will start talking. he lives in a very talkative environment

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My Lyric is going to be 2 at the end of this month and so far no talking. I thought once I might have heard him say Pretty Bird but then I never heard it again so I thought maybe I imagined it. I talk to him all the time and don't see any reason why he wouldn't talk. But he does entertain me in other ways- he makes up little songs that he whistles, they are very cute. He also gives kisses. Like Suzzique said, I love him if he talks or not, but I always wanted a bird that would talk to me so I just keep hoping.

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i got coco when she was 4 months old,after we had her a few days she said "hello", she is 9 months old now and babbles alot but can say "ello coco" and my fav is "peek a boo" and she coppies quite a few whistle tunes. since the day we got her she has always liked me,other members have tried but she doesnt want to know,shes my baby and i would still love her evn if she didnt talk...shes so funny.

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I understand that CAG's don't talk meaningfully until after a year. Is that true. Tobie started saying the occasional word or phrase at 6 mo. The scary thing is they seemed to be right on target. They were never again repeated making me think I was imagining it just a day or two from the event. This will be a long post if I tell all the stories, but the funniest one was after a game of towel play, that Tobie really didn't like, and I ended it by throwing the towel across the room and said "that's enough of that". Later that night, Tobie was on a perch and I came up to him saying "your mommy loves you! Do you love your mommy" -- to which he said "So-so". I said "oh Tobie, I know you love your mommy. Let mommy give you a hug" and proceeded to squeeze his little head up against my cheek saying MMMMMMM! To which he responded "that's enough of that".

The first repeated phrase he picked up from my husband. "What's Up". Now his vocabulary is expanding from that to "what's-up Buba" (my husband's fault), "What's up with that", "What's up baby", "What's that", "what's this", "Whaaaat" and my personal favorite, "what's up mama". These have developed from 11 mos. to now and he is 1year 2mos. I must say here that if Tobie never spoke he has thoroughly entertained me in so many ways it wouldn't matter. Aren't these bird's great!!<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2008/08/21 03:03

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Elmo started to try to talk around 6 months or so but started talking clearly enough for everyone to understand at 11 months. Now he says all kinds of things like Hello, Whats Up, What cha doing, love you, love you too, bye, Elmo come here, step up, Mmmmmm, stop it, Don't you do it...the list could go on and on and he learns something new all the time. Elmo is now 1 year 5 months old and is really starting to use words in context now.


Some greys don't talk, others only talk when no one is around, others are hard to get to shut their beaks, but they all are wonderful birds.

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