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Dog Barking - Will it drive the bird crazy?


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My daughter has a small 15 pound cocker-poo mix and she can go from a laying down position to jumping up and barking over a neighbor's car door shutting closed. Will this sudden barking cause any problems? I'm also worried about the bird wanting to bark like a dog, that’s all I need is another barker :laugh:


Will I need to try to keep the dog separate from the TAG? This dog is a real pain in the but! If were up to me it would be gone but I cant break my daughters heart so I'm stuck with it. The dog is not a bad barker, only a few times a day.<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/03/31 05:28

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we have 2 jack russells and a and CAG, the dogs bark, the bird barks, the dogs growl, the bird tells the dogs to shut up. The bird flys off his perch the dogs have learned the hard way not to mess with the bird. Bottom line, they interact just fine and in time you will have a barking bird.

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Thats not a problem. What you need to watch out for is what you tell the dog when he barks. One of our greys tells the dogs to shutup. He may pick up on the barking but i wouldn't think it would be something that he would drive you crazy with.

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The GreyMiester :lol: It sounds like fun at your home. I would also take it as such.


A barking parrot :laugh:


(I'd love to have one)


I know from experience though that a dog that barks at the things you described cannot be taught to 'shut up' - it's their protection instinct....

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Thanks for the replies. I was mainly concern of my TAG going crazy and possibly hurting him self. If the TAG is not startled by the unexpected barking, then there will be no problems. I hope my grey DOES learn to say "Shut Up!" this will help me out actually. :lol:


My breeder said in about 8 more weeks Oliver should be eating on his own and just about ready to come home. I go to my breeder’s house once a week to visit Ollie, so that when I bring him home, he will already know me at least. She also said he should be ready to start trying to fly some time next week.


My last visit I spent 1.5 hours hanging out with Ollie and he is already starting to mimic my kissing sounds, as I am to embarrassed to baby talk to it in front of my breeder :blush:

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further to my reply, Clarence knows the dogs by their "specific" bark, and responds to each...i.e. Gizmo (Jack Russell) barks, Clarence sez "Gizmo, shut up", Tucker (the other Jack Russell) barks, Clarence responds "Tucker go outside", or "Tucker - get your toy". Of course this initially was a conditioned response/mimic...however after a year, the bird truly knows which dog is barking and replys with an appropriate response, unprompted....these Greys are truly amazing. Now he's on to a Gatorade kick, and when thirsty, asks for Gatorade. We've avoided most "cuss words", however when dropping a toy or his food in the cage or on a perch, his unprompted response is "oh shit, what a mess".....

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ha ha, now that's funny. When I'm at home I can get so crazy and goofy that it might be disturbing to the average person. My kids get a kick out of daddy beeing goofy and I usually can turn a tear into a smile. Some

times all it takes is for me to say "why are your eyes leaking!"


With my TAG, it is going to be interesting the personality spin-off he gets from me.

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No the dog barking shouldn't scare the bird.If anything they will mimic the dog and discipline the dog.I have 17

of them and if anything they tell them quiet.And bark back at the dogs.BTW I have 5 chihuahuas and a cat and so far I haven't had any problems.

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GreyMiester, your dogs will drive you crazy long before they'll bother your bird. Our CAG orders our dogs around as if they belong to him! (Of course, he's only imitating what he hears from us.) And he barks exactly like the dogs -- different barks for each dog. Then he tells them to shut up or go away. Listening to him issue commands to the dogs is about the funniest thing you've ever heard!!

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