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plucking problems :(


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Hey guys,

Just an update: Zahzu SEEMS to be getting used to the collar...however shes pulling off the elastoplast the vet put in the middle to make it softer on her skin - little worried it might cut her if she pulls it off, however the vet seemed unconcerned about this (I called him re: the broken blood feather and the plaster coming off).

Last night we managed to take her out of her cage, and she sat on my hand and enjoyed head scratches for about an hour, and seemed to be quite happy.

We will presist with the collar, however the temptation to just take it off is huge!

She's looking really awful, only has nice feathers on her right wing, and lower tummy...everywhere else she'd plucked - in a matter of a few days.

Anyway, I'm trying to leave her alone more than usual, because next week I start doing practicals at the local hospital as part of my EVENTUALLY getting registerd to practice in Sth Africa! Yay!

Trying to keep myself busy with other things so I'm not consumed with worry over Zahzu.


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Oh Mas, what a battle you and Zahzu have been gong through.


One note on beak and feather disease. It is not necessarily a death sentence if she is in fact diagnosed with it. I would never advise anyone one to put a bird down due to it, unless it was suffering and there was no hope.


The are many stories of birds making it through the disease. They may be almost featherless after the battle. But, they are still a joy to have, enjoy unfeathered life and are great companions and members of the flock. :-)


Zahzu sitting with you and just enjoying the head scratches from her loved is a touching picture. :-)

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Thanks guys,

I have been reading up, and actually found this info out :) it's great to know...however, also, I've been looking up the symptoms of the disease, and I'm thinking Zahzu might not actually have it because she's not displaying the symptoms as I thought she was...

Anyway, will be a long wait till next week to find out!

Oh, and that link made me laugh! :)

We were just sitting together and she was enjoying evening cuddles again - put her to sleep and she's busy climbing all over her cage bars next to me - might try to settle her down before all the lights go out!

Thanks for your support and kind words everyone - will keep you all posted!


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Hey all!

Just an update incase you are wondering - had a good day yesterday!

Zahzu seems really well adjusted to the collar which is amazing - I'm so surprised! I was really worried she'll never get used to it!

Have had a few broken blood feathers, but nothing that needed removal... and a suspect blood feather that fell out when she flapped her wings - look like it bled and then fell out - will ask about it at the bird and reptile park where i buy her food from...

despite that, no worries, she's happy chewing up a string of pasta in her cage - i had better get threading!

i'm starting work on monday - so she'll be home alone half a day, so want to try and leave her in her cage as much as possible next few days.



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Another update and question!! ;-)

Zahzu is really giving her collar a battering! She's made the hole in the middle for her head a lot bigger, and is chowing away at the material the collar is made of (x-ray material..)... it still seems to be stopping her from plucking, however I'm worried now in a week or so we are going to have to go back to the vet and get another one made!


Moved her cage to another corner of the room today - hope that is going to help her also - she seems quite settled.

Any idea if giving her peacock feathers to preen is a good idea??

Also, have been finding a few odd looking feathers, so bit worried about PBFD, but get results on monday - fingers crossed!


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Good idea on changing the cage placement. You just never know sometimes. The cage could be positioned in a place that they just don't like for one reason or another. Hopefully that will help.


It good to hear that the collar is helping. If you do need to have it replaced in a week, it's worth it. I hope the test comes back negative. :-)

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