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Bedtime stories


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Hey guys,


The past few days, we have had a lot of difficulty in settling Zahzu down to sleep.


Usually, we cover her up, turn off the lights, and we go to sleep also... and she climbs up onto her 'sleeping perch' grinds her beek, preens and goes to sleep.


However, the past few days, she will climb down to the bottom of her cage, and pluck pluck pluck - for fear of her breaking a blood feather, I give her a few minutes to settle, and if she hasn't - the past 2 nights i have gone and opened her cage, picked her up, put her on the 'sleeping perch' without saying anything, and covered her up - she seems to settle like this....


I was wondering if anyone had some ideas how we can prevent this new plucking spree she goes on before going to bed?


In addition to that, in a week or so we will be starting our fasting month, which means we are going to be up to have munchies just before sunrise- we have a 1bedroom flat; so Zahzu is going to get disturbed most likely by the noise we are going to make in the kitchen.

Since she now has a tendency to want to come out of her cage whenever we are around; I'm wondering if this happens, do we take her out of the cage at that time?? Or do we ignore her (worried if we do this she'll pluck!)...it's going to be about 20mins that we are making noise and eating - so what do we do??


Thanks guys...


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My only thought on the Cage plucking issue is, maybe she does not like being covered? Some birds like to be and some not.


In regards bring her out for 20 minutes when you snack. If you hear hear wrestling around, yes, I would take her out her giving her some attention and loving. Then put her back in letting her know your going back to sleep and so should she. :-)


Only you can make this judgement call by her actions.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/20 14:59

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Thanks Dan - I think I'll try only covering her up half way - thats just so some of the light is reduced in her cage and she gets a good night's rest. In the past we weren't covering her fully; however the last couple of months we have been covering her fully - maybe she doesn't like that as you said.



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I cover all my birds at night time but that so they can sleep peacefully they are used to people being up and around bcause I have a daughter with elephant feet that tromps around all hours of the night my birds have gotten so used to it they don't even wake up anymore plus my 20 year old daughter is home again until she can find a new place to live and she doesn't get home until 3or4 am she works until midnight but it takes her a while to wind down so she will hang out with her work mates after work for a couple hours. My birds don't even stir anymore when they hear thing in the night they are very used to all the goings on but their covered so they can sleep

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