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Hello all, I am glad I have found a community that seems so close to one another. My name is Kevin, I grew up with my grandparents who taught each family member that animals are not pets and shouldn't be treated like it. Instead each animal is a part of the family, you wouldn't mistreat your family so you will not mistreat your new addition to the family. I grew up along side a Goffin Cockatoo, Umbrella Cockatoo, and Double Yellow-Headed Amazon. Every chance I get I go back to the house to visit and spend time with each.


I believe there are one to many birds that need new homes, so I've been looking at adopting. I know this territory can be rough and training a mishandled bird can be hard, but I believe with patience and love everything will turn around.


I was browsing a website and came across a African Grey up for adoption, so I called with a list of questions. The grey was DNA tested as a male and all blood work has been preformed, the grey is healthy and no mutilation or plucking. After discussing feeding habits, cage size, toys, bed times, activities..I came across the behavior questions. The bird loves to listen to music and has no problem in his cage, however it has been disclosed to me that the bird was a breeder and no longer has a mate. It bites when a hand enters the cage and shows aggression. My thoughts are there was a bond with it's mate and no longer a bond with the current owners.


I understand this can be a handle full, but I believe this can be changed. I plan on sitting in the room with the bird and talking (for vocal recognition). After awhile start getting the bird comfortable with my hand in the cage (just sitting near the opening), and may bring some treats into play. It may take some time to get the bird to bond but I believe if this grey had someone love him that he may turn around.



Here some quick answers for those who may ask. Yes I am young (age 25), I work at home as I sell salt water coral (all tanks have lids, chemicals kept in a safe under key and lock). No I've never owned a large bird, I've shared my room growing up with the Goffin Cockatoo, and every day I spent time with her. I currently own a miniature pincher (loves birds, but stays clear away), adopted a mean sugar glider--but with love that has change very much :-)).


Please tell me if you think I may be going overboard...if you think I should walk away.

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Welcome Kevin!!!


Thanks for posting such a thorough introduction. It sounds like you have been involved wit pets of all types since a very early age.


Rescuing is a wonderful path to take. As you stated, with plenty of patience, love and time, that Grey could be trained to interact with you and not only enjoy it, but look forward to it.


If you were successful in bringing that Sugar Glider around. Then it shows you also have what it takes to do the same with that Grey.


Do you how old that Grey is? Do you know if he was hand raised and later turned to the breeder arena?


Any either case, they are super intelligent and over time, can be a wonderful and much loved flock member. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/20 14:00

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Over the phone the current owner says the grey is 4 years old, I will be the third home (and last home) this grey has been in.


Sugar gliders are also a very bonded animal, once bonded if they are split from their owner they go into deep depression. Normally will start to pull their hair out then chew limbs off till they die. I've turned my little guy around, and wouldn't think a moment of ever giving him up. :)


I will driving a 2 hours to finally bring this grey to it's forever loving home. I will keep everyone updated on our story and how I am working with him. I will also get some pictures before we transport him, as not to further stress him while he settles in at my house. :-)

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Hi Kevin, Loved your introduction. Welcome to the forum. I am someone that did not have large bird experience and I adopted a 12 year old grey who was cage bound, only had 2 toys and never got handled. Luckily he didn't have any major issues. It is so fulfilling to see him grow and trust and come so far. I wouldn't trade it for the world. It has been so fulfilling. I am looking forward to hearing more from you and following your story. It sounds like you are more than qualified. Keep us posted.

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Well I regret to tell everyone about my visit, I was in tears about the whole thing.


The current owner lied to me about the original details of this wonderful bird :-(. She finally told me the bird is 9 years old (that really has no ill effect on me as this grey still has many many years to live), but she also informed me the bird had a cataract since she received the grey. The current owner said she got the bird when it was a 1 year old! She said she took the grey to a vet and her vet said that it might clear up so she never took the bird in for surgery. If you had a cataract and knew it could be treated would you not go into the doctor to have it treated, why neglect what relies on you to stay healthy and protect! This makes me sick, it all topped off with the last words that made me want to just hold the bird and tell everything was okay and that we all loved him.


The bird has had a tumor for the last 6 months, and it isn't looking to great :( . I hated to leave with out him, but I will be sending Texas rescue's or anything that can help to the current owner. I know the tumor is a bad thing and will eventually lead to death...however if it's only a few toys I send this grey it will be the difference.


I am still looking around, I prefer not to buy from a pets store or breeder. I will adopt a grey, if it means I have to wait a 1 to 10 years to find a grey that truly needs it's forever home I will be here!!




I do want to fill you in with another bird I've recently acquired...a Goffin cockatoo. Her name is Popcorn and has been through 7 homes in her 4 years of life. This is her last home (the 8th) and has all ready come along way from biting, she is eager to see us when we come into her room.



I do regret leaving the grey were he was and there isn't a moment that my mind isn't thinking and praying for him. It saddens my to think that people can only think about breeding animals for profit no matter what the health conditions are.

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Hello Kevin and welcome to the family, I commend you on wanting to adopt a rescue grey and yes you might have to wait for a while but one will become available in due time as there is always someone who gets one and then things change and they need to get rid of it.


Congrats on your recent addition of Popcorn to your family, I'm sure she will fit in nicely with your love and devotion to her.


I'm sorry things didn't work out for you on this grey you went to see but things happen for a reason and you may not see it now but in time it will be more apparent to you.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions and we will help you in any way we can.


If you would like to share a pic of Popcorn with us we have an other birds room where you can post it.

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What a sad ending. It would have been much better for them to give you all the details up front. I am actually surprised they are trying to find him a new home, in his condition. Did they say if they had the tumor biopsied to determine if it is malignant?


It could be non-cancerous and simply needs removal.


Thanks for the update and i hope you enjoy your Cockatoo and find find a Grey when the timing and circumstances are right. :-)

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