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Loki at 10 weeks old! New pics!


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Hello again, just saw Loki today and got some more great pics and Video's (see my sig for my Youtube link to see them). He's getting very active and was finally making little baby noises! He's been silent around me and Kim until now (Other then the little poop grunts :laugh: )


Hope you enjoy!





Can't see me!






"Gimmie that!"







Hi Daddy!!






Preening the green frog!






Preening time!






Sitting on Kim, being all cute!







The popsicle stick is mine! MUAHAHAHA :lol:






Ya mind? I'm playing with my popsicle stick! :P






Oh, TalonSis or anyone who knows how ... I tried the "Size=550" thing, it didn't work :unsure:

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Aww more baby pics of Loki, how adorable he is!!!


Poop grunts:blink: :lol: :whistle:


I only have one complaint, the breeder should do a better job of keeping the babies cleaner, Loki has a lot of stuff on him especially around the vent area, I would keep on the breeder about this, not very sanitary for him.:ohmy:

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Oh I have, and he gets a bi-weekly bath. It's just that in socializing him with his brothers and sisters, they tend to get each other messy by regurgitating and playing with the wood chips that cover the bottom of thier weaning cage and so forth. She can't watch him all day. :side:

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Just curious but how long has this breeder been breeding birds? I know you are excited about your baby coming home and I am in no way coming down on you at all but that is unsanitary as Judy stated and to me this shows poor breeding ethics on the breeders part. That formula looks like it has been dried on there a long time ( seriously) I would get that baby checked out by an avian vet as soon as you get him/her home. I am just shocked that a breeder would let the babies get in that shape :(


I love the name you have chosen for your Cag :)


Sorry I just couldn't hold my tounge.<br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/08/20 16:14

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Thanks for sharing the photos Broomer. Loki certainly is a cute little one.

I share the sentiments of Cagal08 and Judy- I really am worried about the health of your little guy. I recommend you get a health guarantee from the breeder giving you a week to take Loki to the vet for a check up and if anything comes up wrong you should get your money back. It seems this breeder is in over her head and she needs to scale back her operations if she isn't able to keep up with basic tasks like keeping her babies clean. Please don't take this as an attack against you personally- I can tell you really love the little one and want only the best for him. They are just very suseptible to illness at this young age and every precaution should be taken to keep them healthy. We are all concerned for you and your baby and want you to start out with him being healthy.

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Fair enough, They've been in operation for 20 years and we checked with a few vets around and got nothing but high praised reviews about them. It's not formula on his belly, it's wood shavings (I was easily able to pick it off, but didn't want to work that close to his "buisness end" while doing it :laugh: ). They tried using the shavings as a change instead of wood chips and didn't expect the mess. Other then that he gets covered in stuff from his brothers and sisters socializing and playing with him and regurgitating after they've been fed. Unless she was working small scale, I can understand that she can't keep her eyes on them all day, every day. She has about 50 pairs of breeder birds of about 35+ different species, they're actually eastern Canada's largest exotic bird aviary.


Other then that, we have an appointment the day after he gets home with an Avian vet, and we'll get him checked out.


I must say, however, that I can't but take it as a personal attack in a way. Me and Kim get to see him, are happy to see him, and I happily post pictures, and all we get is critisism. We're unable to see him every day or we would gladly bathe and clean the little bits off of him. Other then that we've talked to the breeder and she's made an amazing effort for us and he's looked great compaired to three weeks ago. Three weeks ago it was nothing of her doing anyways, she did clean them off while feeding them it was, again, the after affects of what he and his brothers and sisters did after she left. Of which we didn't mind, because we understood that babies will be babies (I'd pay to see a human baby spotless after being able to play with a few other babies of the same age and eating lol).


But trust me in one thing ... we will have no wood shavings here at home lol.

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No one is attacking you Bryan, we are only concerned for the health of your baby and I will say no more about it but to agree with you, no wood shavings in the cage.


September 9th will be here before you know it and then you can bring him home and get him cleaned up ater he gets a clean bill of health.

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Broomer wrote:

I must say, however, that I can't but take it as a personal attack in a way. Me and Kim get to see him, are happy to see him, and I happily post pictures, and all we get is critisism.


I am really sorry you feel it is a personal attack, and I understand what you are saying about posting a picture and getting criticised. I suppose from our perspective it is unnerving to see a baby as dirty as yours appears from the photos. Hygiene is so important in preventing illness and hygiene "appears" to be lacking here.


There is a huge improvement in him since the earlier photos you posted and there is no doubt that you have addressed this with the breeder. However I think that there is no excuse for the mess he was in earlier. Many babies have brothers and sisters in their clutch and don't get this messy. I feel that if the breeder has 50+ pairs of breeder birds and cant keep up with the hygiene end of things then she has too many pairs or too little staff;)


The good thing is you are on top of it, and the breeder knows you are concerned, so if any baby is going to get attention it will be your little one.

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I too am really sorry that you felt it was a personal attack against you. I really only had the welfare of your baby in mind and I guess I wanted to give my opinion. I promise not to say another word about it! I think your little one is so cute and I'm really glad you take the time to share your photos with us. I can tell he is going to get nothing but love and the best of everything with you. I'll be so excited for you when you get to bring him home! So, please forgive the earlier comments :kiss:

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