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Update on new baby Brutus


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Hi Grey Owners,


Brutus has been home three days now. He seems very content most of the time. I wish he ate more. The owners said they had finished weaning him, but I don't think they "abundance weaned" him which is unfortunate. Now that I know about the concept, it seems the right way to go about weaning a grey. He does love grapes, apples, and brazil nuts. All the pasta, brown rice and beans go uneaten, as do carrots, broccoli and sprouts. I am willing to indulge him in anything right now, as long as he is eating, because I don't think he is eating enough. We have a vet visit tomorrow which is good.

the other thing that we don't know how to react to is, although he has clipped wings, he flies periodically to the other side of the room, and either, crashes into the wall, or lands skillfully on the shutters. From what I have read flighted birds gain confidence, so even though he is clipped I hope he will learn how to land well. He does not fly to either of us. Initially, we took him into the carless garage and thought he might fly between us, but he just sat on our arms. I think he does it for the exercise as I see no desirable destination. Thank you for reading this long explanation. Do you have any suggestions for food or favorite brand of pellets? Secondly, do you know how we should handle the abrupt flying expeditions? When he flies we wait a couple of moments and go get him. Is this okay? A couple of times I caught him midair because I was afraid he might crash and hurt himself. Maybe I shouldn't do that. Any advice will be appreciated.

Newbie Mom

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Now my grey loves any kind of pasta, rice or beans but keep offering them as sometimes it just takes a while for them to try them. Fix them different ways and see if that entices him to try them.


I feed the Harrison's High Potency pellets but most of the brand name pellets would suffice as long as they are a well balanced blend.


I think he is just trying out his wings and continue to allow him some flight time to allow him to learn how to land, it is sort of something they have to learn how to by doing so.


But take it slowly, Brutus has only been with you for 3 days and he is still settling in to his new home, he will be more receptive to new foods after an initial settling in period.

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As Judy stated, keep offering a wide variety of veggies cooked and uncooked, fruits, nuts, oats etc... anything and everything. They may not eat something one day and two days later just tare it up. :-)


Regarding flight, let him learn by trial and error. Thats how all of creation learns balance, coordination, distance judgement and limitations.


I try catching him in mid-air. That could cause an incident that would not have happened otherwise. :-)

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I use a mixture of Zupreem Pellets (The Pellets make up most of their diet), dehydrated fruits, Nuts (low percentage of nuts because of fat content), fresh cooked pasta, lima beans, Kidney beans, peas and small samples of some of the things we eat (for bonding purposes).

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My Grey will only eat Zupreem friuty pellets she's pretty fussy she like her food soft and cooked more than raw so I tend to make sure she has some cooked veggetables everyday she loves cherry's, cantalope, and dried banana's thats the only fruits she will eat she will a raw carrot and sometime a smll peice of raw broccoli but thats about it. if its not cook she doesn't want it. I would probubly worry more than I do but she loves her fruity matinance pellets so as fussy as she is she eats her pellets I feel like she's getting enough of the vitamins she needs she also loves her walnut,pine nuts,almonds,cashews,hazel nuts, pistachios,and peanuts. I only feed my birds human grade nuts and they only get 2 or 3 each a day.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/20 17:53

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I think you guys are right. He loves to fly and it shows! We retrieved him from the shades at the other side of the house about 20 times this evening. I will let him practice as long as he wants. We ordered some High Potency pellets today. Thank you for the advice we appreciate it since we have no experience with greys. Brutus does seem very happy and he chirps happily when he sees us.

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Give him a chance and he will come around. I found with Alex if I eat it first and go Mmmmmmmmm Yummy! Then he is more likely to try it as well. Though he is not to picky and eats pretty much whatever we give him. He also eats dinner with us. He is allowed to eat whatever he wants off of our plates. I think that this has helped to make him less picky.


Alex is flighted and will stay that way. Though this is a choice. If you decide to let Brutus stay flighted you will need to work on some flight training with him. Though give him some time to settle in with you. If you can find a treat that he totally goes nuts for then only give as a reword for training.

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