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Any parrot sitters out there?


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I've got a bit of a problem, and I'm really hoping someone out there can help. I'm a 4th year medical student, and as part of my course I have to go away for eight weeks this summer. I'm looking for someone who can babysit Casper, my African Grey, while I'm away. Part of my problem is that I have to go just after I finish my finals exams, so I won't have time to travel long distances to take him somewhere. If you think you can help, and if you live somewhere between Dundee and Manchester (where I live, and where I'm flying from) - or if you think you know someone who might be able to help, please get in touch.


I don't want to have to put Casper into 'kennels' if I can avoid it. I'd be happy to return the favour once I get back from my trip,





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I bet you have :) Which ways are you pursuing in the search? Have you called birds(adoption)centers etc? They usually also intermediate between birdsitter and owner. (At least that's what I think :blush: )

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You might look on theperch.net It's a great bird board and they have a large group world wide. You might be able to find someone there close to you.


Also run and add for pet sitting in the classifieds you could interview people and may come up with a great person - I would also check with my vet to see if he knows any other birdie people he could put you in contact with.


Good luck

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I live in Scotland - not too handy for the US! I've been trying afew places over here - there's an organisation called birdline-uk that have given me a contact, although I've still not managed to sort anything definite yet!


There don't seem to be many people with birds in my part of scotland - there isn't even an avian vet nearby - maybe I should start a campaign to raise awareness!


Thanks for the interest



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