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Hi from soon to be owner


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hi all



just to introduce myself, I'm in the midlands, uk, and am hoping to soon become an african grey owner. I've kept numerous exotic pets (see my profile) but since adulthood have only recently found the suitable circumstance to offer a good home, so I'm getting really excited about the prospect of getting a parrot!


I've got a few questions that really cross numerous forums on here so I thought I might try and sneak them in to my introduction instead :whistle:


From my research I'm looking for a parent raised timneh as I understand these tend to have a little more confidence and are less likely to cling to one person (I live with my gf) but in my search I've only come across one timneh breeder (450 miles away!) and none who claim to parent raise their birds. I'm also confused by the big differences in price (£300 - £800) and by the various cirtificates that do (and don't) come with the birds.


In short then, would you travel hundreds of miles to find the right breeder bearing in mind you may be transporting a young bird the distance back again?


What do the various cirtificates mean and how important are they?


What might be the cause for the differing prices and would you be weary of buying a cheaper bird?



Phew! sorry to dump that lot on you but it'll be a massive help and definately effect where I end up going for my bird :lol:

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Hello Milks and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey.


In my opinion, 450 miles is not that big a deal if it means the right breeder and transporting it shouldn't be a problem as my grey travels well in a small cage.


I am not familiar with the prices in the UK as I am in the US but some of the other members from the UK will have more information about that.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Don't be silly, you can dump all you want on us, we don't mind as we are all bird people and only people like us understand how we feel. Happy huntingB) :)

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Welcome Milks!!!


I am uncertain of the "Certificates" you are referring to regarding TAG and their prices. Perhaps things are different in the UK. That is a huge price difference. Is it also possibly price difference from a breeder versus a pet shop? Pet shops are always outrageous in pricing compared to a breeder.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hi Milks,

Welcome to the grey forum!


I am curious as to why you would prefer a parent reared bird? If the tag has had no interactions with humans it will be much more difficult for you to handle it. It will require a lot of patience on your part to get your baby to the point where it will be comfortable with you. Whereas a hand reared baby will be comfortable with humans from the outset.


A hand reared baby who has been properly socialised should be a relatively confident bird. This socialisation must happen at the breeders and then at your home.


As for the price difference, it may be because the birds have been unweaned, it may be that they are older rather than younger birds, or as Dan suggested it could be a breeder vs a pet shop.


The certificates you mention are probably a Health certificate and a DNA certficate. Even if the grey has had a health cert you should still bring him to an avian vet yourself to confirm the bird is healthy. And if it isnt you should agree with the breeder that they will take it back.


I wish you the best of luck with your search to find a grey and I have every confidence you will be a great owner as you are doing all your research before bringing your baby home;)



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hey, thanks everyone for making me feel welcome


i've started posting my q's in other forums as I feel a bit cheeky sneaking them in here ;)


it looks likely that I won't be getting my baby until november though I'm pressing my gf for sooner, I don't think I'll be able to hold out that long :blink:


The book I have says that a hand raised bird will associate entirely with humans and not birds. It says that while a parent raised bird will be timid to start with it is less likely to develop behavioural problems later in life if.


Judging by the number of hand raised birds availble and differing opinion I'd guess that its not a significant issue as long as the bird has a caring and understanding home :)

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Hi milks & Welcome to the forum :)


"The book I have says that a hand raised bird will associate entirely with humans and not birds. It says that while a parent raised bird will be timid to start with it is less likely to develop behavioural problems later in life if"


Sorry but i totally disagree.Any bird,hand or parent reared can develop behavioural problems.


"The hand raised grey would be more accustomed to humans"


This is what the majority of grey owners want,but equally many of us keep more than one grey,They can maintain their human relationship alongside having another bird as a companion.

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