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No question is stupid ;) Greys need at least 10-12 hours unbroken sleep a night.If you are up late with the TV on then i suggest lowering the volume & using a cage cover.If you turn everything off & leave your grey to sleep then it wouldnt be necessary to cover him.you can buy cage covers online or use a dark sheet .

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Also, I'm going to be going to work at 8am and get home around 6pm, I dont really want to be putting the dark cover over him two hours after I get home as I want to be able to spend some time together.


I also obviously dont want to leave the cover over the bird whilst I'm at work? What would you recommend doing?


Will the bird sleep in an empty house? I wanted to leave the kids cartoons on for it whilst I was at work, will it still sleep whilst Im at work if the cage isnt covered?


So many questions, sorry!

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I cover my grey and my sun conure at night, always have, I think they prefer it that way and I never hear a peep out of either one of them. I use a black sheet I bought at Walmart, the flat one and it works just fine, no need for the fancy ones that cost a bundle.


When you are gone during the day and your grey feels like taking a nap, he or she will do just that.


Ask all the questions you want, how else are you going to learn the answers unless you ask.:P

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As an example of keeping a regular schedule, which is the most important thing for your Parrot:


We put our s in his Cage and cover him at ~ 9pm every night. Weekdays he is uncovered at 530 am and let out to interact with the family until having to leave for work at 630 am, at which time he is placed back in his uncovered cage.


They do need 10 to 12 hours sleep a day, but not all in one sitting. They will sleep during the day when things are quiet. The will usually take naps during the day varying in length from half an hour to an hour three or four times.


The point is, you don't need to put your bird in his cage at 6pm and cover him because you are going to uncover at 6am the next morning. :-) So spend the hours you have with him in the evening until you retire to bed. He will get his needed extra sleep during the day while he dreams of you coming home and the fun times he's is going to have when you get there. :woohoo:

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