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Congo vs Yellow Nape Amazon


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Guest Monique

It all depends upon you. They are very different birds. Use the Internet and books and read as much as you can about them.


Both are known to be good talkers.


Amazons are more outgoing and are more likely to talk in front of others or learn songs. They are also much more aggressive and need someone who will haved a very assertive and confident "I'm the boss" type attitude with their birds at all times. I think all birds need this to a degree - but Amazons more than any other I have ever met.


It's all about what you want in a bird. I am sure some people swear by the Amazons. My heart lives with the Greys.


They are completely different birds, though, no "better or smarter" about it - just different.

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Demonio71 welcome here B) Hopefully you'll enjoy this forum :)


As is being said above - from my reading about the subject - I find truth in Monique's reaction "they're just different" - no better or smarter :)

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  • 7 months later...

I have a yellow crowned Amazon & an African Grey I love them both Fergie my Amazon speaks in context when I leave the room she asks where ya going when she wants to play she says come play with me she has a vocabulary of over 6 hundred words she also sings beautifuly. She is very Speceil to me. My Grey also has a very large Vocabulary she is not as forth coming with talking in front of people like my Amazon infact she will very seldom say anything if there is someone in the room. When she is by herself you can hear her talking up a storm she learns new words daily what ever I say or any one else says if she hears it it won't be long before you hear her say it. I sit in the room next door to her and listen to her sometimes she will go on for hours saying everything she has heard but never in front of anyone she is only 4 yrs old maybie by the time she is 10yrs old like Fergie she will have enough confidence to talk to everyone also. They are both wonderful birds both very smart Grey are a little afraid of anything new. Amazons aren't afraid of anything and are more sociable than Greys I can cuddle my Amazon my grey will let me touch her but not really cuddle her. Also Some Grey's will pluck an Amazon will probbly never ever pluck a feather they just are not known to be pluckers. Pat p.s. here's some pics of my 2 birds



039.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2007/11/09 05:18



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I agree with the advise given. Research, reasearch, research. On a previous post here, someone didn't do their research and is now upset that their grey insn't snuggly. It isn't a trait for the greys. You need to figure out what it is you want in a companion bird and then buy appropriatley. This will ensure a happy home for both you and your companion for the many years you guys will be together.

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I second what Christina just said...don't buy a bird without finding out all the pros and cons to the breed.


The guy next door from me has a DYNA and she is one mean, mean girl. He is only able to handle her for short times...like just enough to get her from her inside cage to the cage on the pool deck. Some of this behavior could be from his mother never really handling her (she passed away, thats why he has her). But it takes a big person to dump lots of time and money into a bird that would love nothing more than taking your finger off. She loves to get treats, sing, and talk your head off, but if you do something she don't like you better duck and cover cause she's lunging for ya'.

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As everyone else says - PLEASE do your research! It's a big decision! Just make sure you have all the facts about both, almost the point that you're blue in the face with knowing all about them. If you have specific questions about them - this is definitely the place to ask!! :-)

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I will copy everyone else and say research is best....what is better for your lifestyle? Zons tend to be much louder and IMO screamers, I love them, but I could never own one! I think they can be very agressive. However both CAGs and Zons have to have very assertive owners. I wouldn't recommend either bird for someone that hasn't had any birds before, not sure if you have or not. I'm saying this because most any bird you get as a baby will be very sweet and docile, which once they grow out of it, owners get walked on if they aren't agressive. Especially if you've never owned birds and aren't expecting it....once again just my opinion though.


Just research the personalities, and see which one would be best suited for your household. Zons from what I understand do better with people around than a Grey. Both my CAGs don't do well with big groups they clam up and get shaky. CAGs are a bit quieter as far as screaming goes. As far as intelligence, I think they're both incredibly smart birds.


The best way for you to get to know a bird's personality is to go and play with them. I don't mean go to a breeder or a pet store and play with them. I'm yet to meet a baby bird of any species from Hyacinth Macaws to baby Lovebirds that weren't sweet, docile, and cuddly. It will always change and I'm the type of person that would rather be prepared. If you can, go to a shelter, or find a rescue and go meet and adult bird. Get to know what these birds will be like the rest of your life, not just what they will be like the first couple of years you have them. I think a lot of people get CAGs and come about 3 years of age when they start to get bratty rehome them. I see more Greys being rehomed its just sad, mainly becasue I don't think people know how to handle them, or didn't expect their "baby" to go through such a 180 in personality. The best way for you to be prepared with this is to meet an adult if you haven't already. Obviously if you go to a rescue they won't hand you an untamed bird if you couldn't handle it, but I think it would be very beneficial for you!


I haven't heard anything about odors. What I do know is my Greys, heck all my birds have a smell, not a bad one. The Greys just have a dusty smell to them, doesn't matter how often or how little I bathe them. Kinda like how dogs and cats just have a certain smell to them.

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This is all interesting information on members experience with Zon's.


However, I think Demonio71 probably already made a decision back in March when this topic was started by him.


Regarding Zon's, one thing I noted when I decided I wanted a larger talking Parrot and starting looking at rescues, was their are a TON of Amazons in rescues.


It is very sad, due to the fact that as we all know, people go out and buy a Parrot with out any research, thought or dedication to ensuring that precious Parrot has a home for life and will be loved unconditionally.


The reason I purchased a Grey, rather than adopting a rescued Amazon, was due to my fear of not having enough experience to properly recuperate, train and educate a mistreated or just neglected one.


They sound like wonderful Parrots, for the right owners. I just wish people were more responsible, but we know for the most part, they aren't.


After gaining the knowledge and experience I have now, I know I could be happy rescuing and providing any Parrot with a loving and good home, regardless of whether they wanted to be a magnet or an island and just bring joy by their presence and personality.


Thanks for all the information provided so far on Zon's and their personalities. :-)

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Just to give you the possible other side of the coin...

Many times, the hardest birds to put together are of those of the same species. They have the same instincts, they do things in the same way, they have the same in the wild personality, can have the same type of jealousy, can be very possessive of personal things etc etc. Basically, they know what each other is thinking.

On the other hand, different species mixed together sometimes don't have all of the above all of the same time. Many times, they'll be indifferent, uninterested, not expecting to be #1 bird all the time etc etc.

I have friends that have greys, Zons all mixed together. The one thing they never do is put both into the cage. Like I said, there's always a possibility that it could turn out to be a nice relationship.


PS--if anyone has bird feeders in their backyard, I'm sure they've seen this----2 chickadees or 2 titmice or 2 juncos(and others) which are small wild birds come to the feeders and immediately, one chickadee instantly chases the other chickadee away until he's finished but have one chickadee and one titmouse come there at the same time and both will stay there and eat together oblivious to each other. The same applies to hummingbirds. Two birds of the same species arrive at the feeder and one chases the other away. two birds of different species arrive and both sip away at the fluid with no problems. The same applies to woodpeckers when they zoom in on the suet.




Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/11/11 22:47<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/11/11 22:57

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