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value of handfeeding and weaning a 2 wk grey


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My wife and I and my 4 girls have been feeding a baby grey that we agreed to do for $300 or we could deduct the $ from the cost of the parrot if we decided to keep it. Well, we have fallen in love with the bird and it is almost weaned. (The individual who asked us if we would like to do this knew we had successfully raised a brood of cockatiels). I have checked the internet and congo african grey prices for Louisiana and have found quite a range on hand-fed/weaned parrots. I shared with this individual that I had found prices as low as $300 and a pet store in Baton Rouge has one for $1,350. Generally, prices seem to range from $500-$900. I am looking for some feedback from those in the know. We want to buy the bird, but we also want to pay a fair price. We still haven't heard back from him and that was last Friday. One other thing. The bird has no band on it as it was given to us right at 2 weeks old and the owner did not band it and we didn't know any better. Does this make the bird less valuable??? Thanks for any input on this. Figaro

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No, not having a leg band doesn't make a parrot less valuable. At two+ weeks old it is to late to band him anyways. At my pet store only about half the birds are banded. In this day in age it's really not needed anymore and it's up to the breeder if they want to or not. As for the cost of the bird...most of the money breeders charge for their birds is for their time and energy feeding and caring for the baby. This is way unweaned babies are sold for less than weaned birds, although I don't agree with that. If you have been taking care of the grey sense it ws two weeks then I would say $300-$400 in a fare price. Be sure to be VERY careful feeding him and watch for ANY change no matter how small. I had a 2 1/2 week old CAG die on me that I was taking care of for the store. He ended up having a type of Parvo and a bacterial infection.

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African grey's don't wean until they are at least 3 months old how old is your Grey. Weather or not the bird has a band doesn't have any thing to do with the price of the bird. Be thankful that he doesn't have a band if he did he may getit caught on someting and hurt himself my Grey and my Amazon don't have bands and if they did I would have them removed. I have 2 bird that have rings and I worry all the time about the My Fiery shouldered conure is a very rare bird and she has one she is alreasy missing part of a toe and another toe has on toenail so she's 11 yrs old. little things have happened I just pray nothing else will in the next few years she's getting older now they only have a life span of 20 to 25 years be happy he doesn't have a ring if you need to Id your bird I suggest micro chipping I'm going to get all my birds micro chipped as soon as the have the gps chip available to the public and then I cut those stupid rings off their legs

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