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Dorian's not himself this morning


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I'm worried. When I woke Dorian up this morning he seemed normal. A little grumpy, but I figured he'd heard me up early this morning and was mad because I didn't wake him up then. It's been almost three hours since wake-up and he hasn't spoken at all, or barely touched his food. His poop this morning looked like the normal morning bomb. We had a big storm last night that might have kept him awake, so I've darkened and quieted his room. I hope it's only tiredness. What else should I do, or not do?

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He might be a bit shaken up from the storm last night. I wouldn't worry too much, just monitor him, give him a couple of his favourite treats to stimulate his appetite and I'm sure he'll come around.

Keep us updated!

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Just checked on him again and he has now eaten a bit (His water dish has a walnut shell boat in it!) But man, is he ever annoyed at me. My hand gets anywhere near him and he lunges for me. Caught me and drew blood once. If I sit near him, like I did to eat lunch, in the same chair I always sit in, he starts shaking. Very weird, because he was very lovey dovey at bedtime last night. Like you said, I'll keep an eye on him today and it will probably be an earlier than normal bedtime for Mr. Dorian tonight;)

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Thanks guys. He's actually starting to act more normally. He walked around the outside of his cage, ripped up some paper, ate some food. I think a good nights' sleep and he'll be fine. This proved a couple of things to me though. I'm totally in love with this little guy. The merest indication that something might be wrong and my stomach was in knots. I was ready to bundle him into the car and give the vet my credit card number. The second thing this has proven to me is how much I've come to love his virtually non-stop babble. I did not care for the silent version of him. The house has been way too quiet today.:(

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That storm must have really unnerved him but a good nights rest will fix him right up and he is already showing signs of being his normal self.


It is amazing how quickly they grow on us and become a part of our lives and we cannot imagine how we got along without them.:) :kiss: ;)

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We took a two week vacation the first part of July and had to leave Alex with my oldest daughter. I cried after we left her appartment. I had fun on the vacation but I missed Alex like crazy! When he fell in the shower a few months ago and broke the tip of his beak off I just about had a heart atack! I was so upset my husband had to drive us to the vet.

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OK, so he's pretty much back to normal today. His morning 'bomb' was more watery than usual, but he really didn't eat much yesterday. I'll keep an eye on it.


I'm so glad I found this forum and all of you because I know you understand how I could be worried when something didn't seem quite right. Where else could I have a serious discussion about parrot poop:P .Thanks for the support.

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I'm so glad he's back to normal. He was probubly so scared of the storm and mad at you because you were sleeping and wern't there to reassure him that everything was going to be ok I know when Tyco gets scared the first thing she does is look at me and say mom, and as long as I tell that its ok Im here, I won't let anything bad happen she fine. We've been haveing our share of thunder storms lately also. Tyco sleeps in my room and so does Fergie and if they wake up scared then all I have to say is I'm here and they go right back to sleep. Fergie my Amazon is prone to night frights I think it has something to do with her old home she's been with me for 8 yrs and when I first got her she had a night fright at least 2 times a week now its only once in a while but as long as I reassure her she will settle right down again. I'm very glad that Dorian was just a little grumpy and a little mad and it wasn't anything serious. I know just how you feel though as soon as one of my birds doesn't look quite right or is acting out of the norm I'm on the phone makeing a vet appointment. We really do get worked up about them they are like our kids and I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to them.:huh:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/08/20 19:57

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