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I cant beleive it!!!


i took a week off work and shared most of my time with Harry.


I went down stairs after he was naughty and heard him whistling and calling and making some throaty noises so i recorded it.


I played it back and to my shock you can hear little harry say "Hello, What you doing" :) i was so happy and proud. dancing around the house. :blush:


I just wonder how long he has been talking for but not showing me, now the challenge is to get him to talk to me rather than himself B)


i also recently read the thread about no-one understanding our passion. Im so proud and dont know who to tell my friends dont understand how happy i am and proud of my lil feathered friend :).


so who better to tell than a whole world of people who do.


Thanks every one for your support here it is appreciated and really has helped as he is my first bird.

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Harry is one lucky grey to have your company for the week Matt and he has repayed you with his love.


Not all greys will talk in front of their flock, my Josey will but be patient and maybe he will too eventually.


Who better to understand how you feel but a bunch of bird people like us, we are a superior breed.;):P :whistle:

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