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helloo! bored bird here.. ; (


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hi! i have had a CAG for a few months...he's not my first CAG but, all my other birds never acted this way..

His wings are clipped..and he's always always sleepy! In the afternoon he speaks the most.. but mostly he just whistles..he doesnt bathe and he doesnt play alot too.. Also..I'm having a hard time trying to cut him off sunflower seeds.. he doesnt want to eat anything else ..except the occasional grape and pear.. If i change his food to a fruit salad or anything else he wont go near it.. I found grey forums when i was looking for ideas to entertain him..and i must say t has some great ideas that im trying out ... :) all the toys ive made for him he didnt like except once when i tied some string on his tree branch..he liked it alot but i cut it off after his beak got tangled in it...:(

I'm hoping grey forums will help me entertain my bored CAG :lol:

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Hi Kaskoo,


Welcome to the forum. Can you tell us a little more about your CAG? How old is he? Has he always behaved like this?


There is lots of useful information here, have a look in the Bird Food room for ideas on how to introduce new foods to your greys diet. Here is some information on how to teach your bird to play which you might find useful.




We look forward to hear all about your grey:)


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hi Kaskoo & welcome.


The easiest solution is to remove the sunflower seeds from his seed mix,set them aside & use them as treats ;) As Siobhan suggests have a good read through the bird food room.

As for bathing,he needs to get wet,if you do a search in the search box,you will be able to read over prevoius threads on the subject.

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Welcome Kaskoo!!


You have come to the right place for some help and finding the resources you need to assist with your Greys Diet and Toys.


The others have given good links and advice.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Thanks for the link and the good advice.. I read through a few bath ideas and after i took a shower i took him into the shower..i let him stay in the steamed bathroom then i sprayed him a little in the sink he was a bit scared but calmed down at the end.. I'm sure after a few days of repeating the process he'll enjoy it more...

Thanks for the advice! Kasko is about a year old...and he pretty much doesnt do anything..;) but its okay ;D i love him..he doesnt fly around because of his wings, so he tries to jump..and he usually hits his head on things..:unsure: but hes not hurt..he usually just stands on the top of his tree and sleeps.. about the food i heard that i should try new foods in the morning..so should i empty or lower the amount of food in his pot at night? when i removed the sunflower seeds and have put them as treats..he ignoreess!!!!:( but im moving slowly on him and im not going to cut him off entirely at once...a bit at time.. i think itll be better that way..

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Don't starve him at night but make sure there are no sunflower seeds at all. Sense he is not flighted try feeding him away from his cage in the morning with fresh food. This way he can't just go and eat his seeds. I posted a great homemade mash resipe that is great for sneeking in healthy stuff.


Alex hates the water as well. He had a bad fall in the shower and broke the tip of his beak off. He was bleeding all over the place. He now screams if you mist him or try to take him in the shower. He did take a bath one time at my oldest daughters house while we were on vacation. She has a green cheek that loves water. So he learned from Meeko. She gave me the bowl but he wont go near it here. :P

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Hello Kaskoo and welcome here. If you've only had your bird for a few months he may still just be settling in. It can take greys a while to adjust to changes in their lives. Try getting him some bird safe toys and let him watch you play with them for awhile before you introduce them to him.

If he seems sleepy all the time there may be some medical reason- have you had him checked out by an avian vet?

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Kaskoo is still adjusting to the daily baths.. He's learning new things in the bathroom...and im finding new ways to shower him...but i think the main thing is just being calm.. and it's easiest if its only me and kaskoo..hes still not used to it..but it will grow on him.. ;D

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Just wondering who took care of him the first year of his life? What kind of cage was he in and was he allowed out of his cage? Did he have any toys to play with? I just adopted a 12 year old CAG last month. He had a lot of the same symtems and I believe the previous owners did not treat him right and was very neglected. He was cage bound and only had 2 toys:( . He does not fly and he is not even clipped. I think all he had to do before was perch and sleep and that's all he knows. I put up a post about him not playing with toys and they all told me to play with them first and introduce the toys and it is working. I will play with them, he will watch and then he is eventually getting curious and is slowly starting to play with them too. He won't hardly do it on his own except for the small plastic balls with bells in them or simple bells. My cag was only on a seed diet and he didn't like anything else I would try to feed him in the beginning. He would throw it out of his cage instead of eating it. I kept putting the fresh veggies in daily and now he loves them. (took about a week) I also have a small table top perch that I take in what ever room I am. It has a food and water bowl and that is where he seems to "chow down" the most. It is the best place to introduce the new foods I have noticed. My cag has the sweetest disposition (most of the time) and it's just taking some time. I bath mine with a mist bottle and he didn't like it at first either. I think it was scary for him. Now he stays perched on my finger and I can really soak him down. I don't know if he likes it but he really doesn't seem to mind it anymore. He has never experienced anything fun and it's all new to him. He just didn't know how but is really willing to try new things for me now and really liking his new found freedom and fun. He is a little leary of things at first but I just keep it up. I think mine didn't do anything because he was never allowed to do anything. He's really doing good now:) and I enjoy every minute with him. He's come a long way. Good luck.

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I dont know much about his previous owners...but he was in a cage and i dont think he was allowed out too..at the beginning he was scared to go to his stand, for the first few days i would just open up the cage and let him sit at the top, and as he enjoyed it more and more, i took him up to his stand..he doesnt want to come down anymore! :) When i got him all he would just eat sunflower seeds.. i got him a seed mix and now he loves it and barely touches the sunflower seeds!! :laugh:

Unfortunately, his wings are clipped and I think its better that way.. my house is very big...and there are places that i cant get to even with a ladder..so if kasko got up there and got stuck or hurt... I couldnt possibly get him..! :( But he still does his daily flapping for about an hour...of course he doesnt get anywhere.. and if does jump off..he doesnt get hurt...but i think if he continues to fall off in hope to fly..he will get seriously injured.. :unsure:

I am showering him every day... some days its easier then the rest...but at the end he's clean and thats whats important.. I have a small tube that i fill with just about an inch of..he doesnt jump in.. he just stands in the edge and watches me play with the water..and i giggle and swirl my fingers, and splash a bit.. until he gets calm about it...then i splash him with a bit of water...he just stands there..and then turns so that i can splash his back ;D I found its easier if i just put him and the tub on the floor.. since there are no distractions...and no where to run to! Kasko HATED getting misted... ;p I'm still exploring toys...he didnt come with any in his cage...and almost everything i give him he ignores..im still trying new things..and im sure ill find some thing soon ;D

Thanks for the good advice... I will try some of the things u mentioned in your other posts... especiallly trimming his nails...i dont let him get on me unless im wearing a thick jacket so that he cant scratch me.. ;)

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A couple more question...What is your CAGs name? And does he know how to step up yet? Baxter didn't know how to step up and to get him out or in his cage was not a good experience when I had place him from one spot to another and it did not help building trust at all so what I did after I had "captured" him and pulled him out of his cage was make him step up from one hand to another (away from his cage) and I would say step up step up each time I did it. I read this in a grey book and it worked perfect. 1 or 2 days later he knew what it was and life is so much easier. He really learned it fast. The book said to do this training 2 or 3 times a day for about 10 minutes each session. Of course I would always praise him and pet him during these training sessions and give him a cracker after we were done. Your bird is still so young so if my 12 year old can do it yours should be able to do it much easier. Baxter is loving his new found freedom and experirnces, even when I do things he doesn't like:) I have come a long way with Baxter because all the others on this site giving me great advice along the way. I love it here:) AS for trimming his nails...Baxter had long nails and felt like razor blades on the ends of them. It was so painful to even hold him and I was bleeding daily. I got his nails clipped and his feet are so soft now and it even seemed to improve his disposition tremendously. I would highly recommend a nail trim. It doesn't have to hurt to hold him at all:) Keep us posted. Love to see some pictures of him too if yoy can :silly:

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oh ya he can step up and he loves it too! It was just the first few days... and know he's jumping from his cage to his stand all the time.. Before trimming them i want to try the cement blocks and nail filling him.. and im bleeding all the time from Kasko.. :pinch:

I found two new ways to get him to try new foods!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

I was eating and showing him what I was eating he was ignoring it (as usual ;p)... so as he was looking at it.. I pulled back my hand and acted like i was gonna eat his piece...he stretched his neck so far to get his property back! ;D

Also.. I just tap the food on his beak a bit to get him to taste it.. So that he can have a taste without tasting it ;p I would give him a few quick tastes.. and keep going mmmm... this is goood! how yummmy!! He'll grab it and munch on it! ;D

YAAAAAY!:woohoo: DSC00004.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Kaskoo, at: 2008/08/22 18:18


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Great photo! Kasko is one mighty fine looking bird.B) Isn't it amazing all the things we are willing to for them?:side: :woohoo: Sounds like you are doing real well with Kasko.


Alot of people use photobucket but I have a file/folder on my desktop where I put all my photos in and just download them from my file. They need to be sized around 500 x 500. I have to shrink my photos or they won't download. I guess anywhere you store your pictures at is the place to download them from. It took me awhile to figure it out. There is a post on the forum how to download them too. You got one in. The rest should be easy;) I noticed if I post them in the photo album they also go on my profile page. :)

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Thanks! I got my photos in! ;D

And I found a new toy for kasko!!! :woohoo: :lol: :woohoo: :cheer: (one that he actually likes!) i showed him a grape and made me stretch for it..then just as he was gonna grab it i put it in a new, plastic toothbrush cover..he looked at it for a while as i was opening and taking out and putting back the grape..after a while a wiggled the grape inside the cover and gave him the cover..He attacked it for awhile until he found out how to open it! Now he loves..and since he thinks there is always a grape or something yummy inside..i can put new foods for him to try..!! ;D ;D Its also great because i usually cut all his foods to a tiny size that can fit in his beak..about as big as a finger nail..and if its that size it will fit easily in the cover...!!

Try it out its great!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


finally something he enjoys!


Baxter is SO much finer then kasko!! [at least he doesnt have a bald spot on his head!!] :P;)

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Thats wonderful Kaskoo!! :-)


YOu are making incredible progress in a very short time. Of course, Kaskoo is too. ;-)


That is a GreYt photo, thanks for sharing it. Most of us also use photobucket bucket for posting photos. It is easy and you can post multiple photos in one post, rather than having to post one at a time using the forum photo options.


Now, I'm going to go try the "Pillbox" foraging idea, thats a GreYt one!! :-)

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have you tried grapes? Kaskoo LOVES them!! He will do anything to get his beak into a grape...! If he does like them...make him work for it..let him stretch around, move around.. and maybe even put a bit farther so that he has to fly a small distance to get it..:side:


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