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Mosquito problem :(


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Hello fellas:)


This is Ehsun from Pakistan. I have a pair of CAG " Hitler n Ruby". they both are lovely :kiss: . i got them almost a month ago. they were six months of age when i got them...

Now that my CAGs have learned to step up, they are also learning to speak their names and mimic some voices... and i m very happy about that because they have learnt it in a very short time. B)

Now coming to the problem...:sick:

I have placed the cage out of my house to keep them in fresh air. but the problem is... there are alot of mosquitoes and those insects bother with my CAGs alot. i often see my cags jerking there heads off and folding their toes... it makes me really sad. i cant keep them inside house bcz there is no fresh air in night... what i wanna know here is that if i can keep them in my room with the split ac turned :unsure: on???:unsure:

please let me know if their is a solution for mosquito problem.

Thanks :silly:

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I live in Florida, USA and my CAG lives in the house in the A/C. We have nasty skeeters here and they carry all kinds of things like West Nile. I do not let him go outside if the bugs are out. I would bring them in if there are a lot of bugs bothing them or build an enclosure around their cage with screen to keep the bugs away from them...thats what the breeders here do that keep their birds outside.

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Hi Ehsun, I live in Southeast Asia and we have a lot of mosquitoes around at some times of the year too. I'd recommend putting a mosquito net around the cage like you would around a bed. You might need to leave some distance between the cage and the net, so the birds don't chew on it.


Many people around here use mosquito coils and other repellents, but I don't think you should use those near your little darlings as the fumes may harm them.


It might also be ok to bring them in with the a/c, but make sure the filters are clean so they don't breathe in dust, fumes etc. Hope that helps. :)

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Welcome hitlernruby!!!


The others have given great advice on the Mosquito issue you have. You definitely do not want you much loved Greys bitten by them and falling ill to diseases those mosquitoes carry.


The netting would be a great protect and most preferable would be keeping them inside you home with the AC on. The temperatures will be fine for them. :-)

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