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pest control


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Hello everyone, being a new member I thought I would introduce myself, and give a brief word about milly and electronic pest control. In my house I am lucky enough to have two africangrey friends, one is named milly who has been with me for eight years, she was born in nov1999 hence milly-millennium,the other is mr jingles who has been my mate for two years,he is just comming up to five years old now. Milly has always had beautifull feathers and a sensitive nature,Mr Jingles on the other hand is a typical male, butch and doesnt seem to give a damn about anything.Both birds are cuddly and friendly, both love to be out and have tickles. Now to the electronic pest control, after installing it for five weeks I noticed Milly was losing a lot of feathers until she had a bald patch down her breast bone and no tail feathers, there was no change in Mr Jingles. The only change in their environment was the electronic pest control. Six weeks after unplugging the device Millys feathers have started to grow back nicely. My conclusion is that the pest control will not upset a species but individual birds. Hope this helps.

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Hello and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


I have one of those electronic bug devices and I have had no problem with either of my two parrots as it has been in use the whole time I have had them, guess it is an individual thing.


Read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and please do ask any and all questions you may have and we will endeavor to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


Be sure to share some pictures of your greys if you have any as we love to admire each other’s birds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome Ora, Milly and Mr Jimgles!!!


Thanks for the information on your experience regarding sonic pest control devices. They can indeed affect our feathered friends. Birds have hearing in frequency ranges we do not. As you described, it may drive one bonkers, while another just endures it with no symptomatic effects such as plucking or other odd behaviour.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Ora, welcome here :) I am sure you are right. Not every bird is the same even though it belongs to a "species" - (just look at us people :P )


Nice to have you here!

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