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Ain't I lucky!


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OK... So from the beginning. I was half way on my way to going to Australia to study music. I just needed no finish the year and get a Visa. A friend and I started talking and I decided to take his advice and study Nature Conservation with him... As things progressed he told me yesterday that.... Wait for it......




We were accepted. So next year I start to study Nature Conservation. Yippy! My registartion has been payed. Just need to get a place to stay and pay the studies... Easy stuf!

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Hi Christian. Wow, this all sounds like great news for you. Congradulations. Sounds like you have a bright future ahead of you. How will this affect you getting your baby grey and will be able to take it with you to Australia? Or are you putting it on hold for now? Last time I seen you online you were about to go pick up your little bundle of joy and said pictures would be coming. How's all that going?

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It is not as simple as getting on an airplane with your grey and hop on over to AU. To import an African Grey you will need to get a CITES permit to import/export him because Greys are listed as an "Appendix II" on the CITES list. Noted on the list of animals able to be concidered for import into AU there is a sidebar next to the African Grey saying "For eligible non-commercial purposes

only. Specimens and progeny must be micro-chipped and a DNA sample kept and provided to the Australian

Government on request." The key word in there is ELIGIBLE...from what I have read it is pretty much impossible to get the permits from AQIS and be granted permission to bring pet birds into the country. Also, you will have to pay around $150 for the Cited permit, and it is only good for a couple of months and if AQIS has not granted entry by the time the permit expires you have to pay for the permit again to reinstate it. You would also need to pay for all quarantine costs and the AU permit fees to bring the bird into the country. I noticed you said you showed your mother how to feed, so I'm not sure if that means hand-feeding. In the USA quarantine facilities they do not hand feed...birds have to be weaned...and I imagine that AU is the same way. Your grey would have to spend at least 45 days in a quarantine facility, and if they think anything is off with him it could be much longer. I do believe they have the right to destroy it. I have also read on a website that the "pet bird" must have been in your possession for at least one year, so that right there would disqualify your grey for import.

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It's good to hear you things are working out for you and that you have chosen a different path of study and residence at a college where you are. That resolves the issue of trying to take a Grey into Austrailia.


Now, instead of learning how to make music, you can just enjoy the natural music from all the critters in nature. :-)

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Just a side note, I'm an Aussie living in South Africa, and I looked into taking Zahzu back to Australia if we ever do decide to move back - and, basically, it's impossible!


Anyway, Christain good luck with studying nature conservation - hope it works out well for you... however, gotta tell you you passed up on a great experience moving to Aus ;-) - but i'm very bias! Hehehe...





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