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Clomicalm and a plan of action! Long post - sorry!


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Hey everyone,


For the past 2/3 weeks, Zahzu has started plucking out feathers again - this time on her chest. It is likely due to pain caused by falling and cutting her keel, and she's fallen twice since, which is probably exacerbating the pain. (Refer to last post - pain management).


Anyway, went in to chat with the vet today, and he suggests we try 'Clomicalm' by Novartis. It is clomipramine hydrochloride and the dose is 2mg/kg - administered via crushed up tablet mixed with honey or some other treat.


In combination with the medication, we need to develop a behaviour management plan. I've read up Barbra Heidenriech's book - Good Bird, in which it suggests you do something like shine a light on the wall to distract your bird when you see it plucking, and then cue the bird to do a desirable behaviour, and then reward. We will continue with that, the only problem is that Zahzu mainly plucks when we are not at home - which is most likely part separation anxiet, part being able to notice the discomfort she is in because she's not being entertained.


So, I'm going to work on more forraging opportunities - buy containers to put food in, wrap things in newspaper etc... she needs to realise she can have fun in her cage, not only on top of her cage or in our laps!


I was also wondering, if I raise her cage, is that going to help make her happier in there? Only problem then, is when she's out of her cage, it will be very high - and the risk of falling will be greater!


Has anyone used tricyclic antidepressents on their birds? We haven't yet got the medication, the vet has just ordered it. I've read up a fair bit on it, and it seems to yield quite positive results. Its relatively newly registered for use in birds.


Sorry this is so long!


Any advice and comments more than welcome!


Also, in the next few months I'll be getting my registration (fingers crossed!!) and will be starting to practice - so I'll be out of the house more, and in Dec/Jan my sister is coming over for a holiday, so Zahzu will have to spend a couple of weeks at a bird sitter - so we want to have this situation under control before all of this starts - hence the urgency of finding a solution!



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It sounds like you have everything under control and your vet is giving you great advice and trying his best to get this issue resolved.


I have never used tricyclic antidepressants on any critter and can not offer any feedback. If your vet recommends it at this stage and your research is showing good feedback, it sounds like that may help Zahzu get through all the traumatic experience she has had with her wings and feathers.


Hopefully the med's and good care will help her through this until her feathers can all grow back in. Then hopefully she will no longer pluck due to irritation or discomfort. :-)

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Thanks for your support Dan.

Since my last post, Zahzu fell once from her cage - but didn't get hurt badly, just a tiny bit of blood, so toweled her and put flour to help clotting....

However, this evening was sitting with her on my lap and something was irritating her - don't know what! So I went to put her down on the floor for her to walk around, but she jumped from my hand, and broke another blood feather! It was dripping blood, so removed it - with the help of my hubby ofcourse.

She keeps damaging these darn feathers! We have a big roll of foam ready to go down on the floor, so hopefully this will prevent future falls/injuries as a result of falling.


Tomorrow will go pick up the Colmicalm - todays shenanigans really made me make up my mind about the medication! It will calm her hopefully, for long enough for the feathers to grow back and hopefully once they are back, madam will be fully flighted!


Ok, time to sleep now!



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