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Dish shopping with humor


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I posted a picture of Mika eating from our dinner plates and also from our fork, Lovemygreys pointed out to me that the plate was fine but I should consider not feeding him from my fork due to the passing of germs from human mouths, this made very good sence to me and I had not thought of it that way.

So decided armed with that advise I would go shopping for a plate and fork just for him.


Reached store - As We Grow (local baby store)

Me - do you have a plate with the suction cup on the bottom so they can't move it??

Clerk - We have both plates and bowls, we have them for boys and girls - or generic like Winnie the Pooh

Me - Winnie the Pooh is fine, I want a plate please not a bowl.

Clerk - What is it a boy or girl?

Me - Boy

Clerk - how old?

Me- 5 months, oh and I see you have matching forks I will have the plate and the fork.

Clerk:S - 5 months don't you think you should use a bowl and a spoon.

Me :evil: (I see where this is going) No thank you he is very advanced for his age so the plate and fork will do fine. I cut up all his food and he prefers to eat from the same style of plates we do, at the table.

Clerk - he eats in a highchair at the table?

Me - No on the table.

Me - thank you for all your help I will take these.


I could hardly wait to get outside, and breakdown laughing - made her day I bet.


Carolyn & Mika

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This is the funniest story I have read in ages! I am crying with laughter here, my daughter just came flying into the room to ask what was so funny! And now she is laughing hysterically as well!


Carolyn you certainly have a great way with a story!


Thanks for the laugh!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hee hee! Yesterday I was buying baby food for Lyric and there was a couple there with their baby buying food for it. The mother made some comment to me about "mothers knowing best" and I laughed secretly inside and agreed with her. I've never had a human baby but consider myself mother to my birds and dogs so yes, mothers do know best! Of course if she would have known I was buying baby food for my bird she probably would have thought I was off my rocker.

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I remember when I first got cracker and realised he was not quite weened I was in my local supermarket choosing a jar of baby food for him. I must have looked confused,never being lucky enough to have my own children, a lady standing by me asked me how old the baby was,about 6 weeks old I replied. Oh no love you cant feed a baby that young on jars, you need the milk formular, come on I will show you. I went bright red and gave a garbled explenation that I was buying for a young bird, not a human baby. She walked away, obviousely thinking I was completely bonkers.Oh well thats life.

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