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Pain management?


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Hi guys,


As I sit here writing, my hands are shaking and I've got blood spattered on my clothes! (Well, 2 drops of blood - I'm a bit dramatic!!)

What happened: Zahzu took a fall from the top of her cage, landed on our tiles and injured her chest and broke 2 blood feathers in the process.


What we did: Hubby and I quickly toweled her, removed the 2 broken blood feathers. She continued to drip blood, so applied pressure and packed wound with flour.


Now: Madam Zahzu is back in her cage, one foot up gently preening herself, I've finished scrub the blood off our tiles. Zahzu is talking a little, in between preening.


The poor baby, I'm wondering if she'd be in any pain right now? What can I do for the pain?? I've given her some 'Avi-Stress' - a South African product of multi-vitamins and electrolytes used when moving/vet visits/stressful situations have occurred or are upcoming.


Is there anything I really need to do about the cut on her chest? It isn't bleeding a lot - I'm just so thankful to the Almighty that she didn't fracture her keel bone.


I think we need to get her to play on the floor only now till she has some flight back, which may take a couple of years as I understand!


I'm so concerned for her welfare - I love her to bits, and it really pains me to see all the trauma she's going through.


Any advice you can give me is going to help a great deal! We are trying so hard, learning so much, reading so much - doing everything we possibly can thing of for the poor baby, but we keep having problems!


Thanks guys,


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I do not think there is much you can do/give her in terms of pain. Trying to give her something could be more harmful than helpful because many things that are pain relievers for people are poisonous to animals. If she's still talknig and not all fluffled up and lethargic she should be okay. Just watch her and make sure she doesn't start picking at the wound, a lot of birds begin feather picking this way. Remove the grate from her cage and lower perches inside the cage so if she tumble it will be a soft landing and less risk of her reopening the wound.

If the wound keeps bleeding and doesn't clot, you have to take her to the vet, birds don't have a lot of blood available to lose and thus get anemic etc quickly. If it clots don't worry.

Keep the cage darker than usual, throw a towel over top so she can have a bit of privacy and rest, keep her warm and comortable.

Regrowing flight featers does not, (or shouldn't) take years, greys to my understanding molt once or twice a year if in good health with good care.

It may be beneficial to allow to her to become full flighted for a little while to let her learn to control her wings and body properly, but obviously only if this is safely possible in your home. Afterwards, you may clip her feathers.

The fact that your grey plummets like this suggests the wing clip is too severe. A lot of people think a bird with clipped wings is supposed to plummet to the floor but this isn't true. When you decide to clip her again, clip only a bit of a feather each time, until she cannot gain altitude and only can gracefully flutter to the floor but not plummet like a rock. Also make sure your educate yourself on the proper method of clipping because sometimes when the edge is ragged etc. the clipped ends of feathers poke the bird and bother him leading him to chew them to try and remove them/ groom them back to what they should be, because obviously it is not natural for them to have a blunt end to their feathers.

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Thanks TinyTimneh - to make a really long story short, Zahzu had to have all her flight feathers removed by a vet, as a result of a terrible horrible ugly nasty wing clip done by a bird sitter. I've regretted the decision of allowing this bird sitter to clip her since March when all of our problems with Zahzu started...

She has preened over the area that was bleeding, but it seems to have clotted up - hope she doesn't make it bleed again - however she's had quite a few blood feathers removed, and we haven't so far yet had a problem of her picking and making things bleed again (however now that I've said that.........there is always a first!).

There is already a towel at the bottom of her cage, to soften any falls...


Oh, and don't get me wrong - I wasn't about to pop dose of paracetamol or something in her water! Heheh... I would never dream of giving human medications to any animal! :)


Thanks so much for your advice, I think I'll pop on a heater somewhere she can't see (she's scared of the heater, so all winter we've done without it!)



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Poor little bird. With regards to pain management when my grey Charlie damaged his wing the vet put him on a painkiller called metacam.I think it really helped him.The vet increased the dose I was giving him after a few days when it was not helping. Maybe your vet could prescribe some for your bird if needed.It is horrible to see a bird fall like that and I am sure you are as shaken as the bird.My grey was clipped for a long while but I only allowed the vet to do it and then it was only a very mild clip and Charlie could still fly, just not gain much hight. The vet was always reluctant and eventually encouraged me to allow the bird to become fully flighted.I am now very glad that he did.Charlie has soon picked up some commands such as on your cage and come hear. I hope all goes well and you all soon recover.

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I forgot to say that with regards to Zahzus chest get the vet to check her out although you may think she has not done much damage an xray will confirm this and also prescribe the pain medication if needed.She will at the very least be bruised and tender.

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OMG Sameera!! You and your Grey have sure been through it the last few months.


You have done all the right things. I would suggest a vet visit to have that split keel looked at. How large is the split? Only you know how bad it may be. I know you take stellar care of your Grey and if you thought a trip to the vet was needed, you would already be headed that way.


It sounds like Zahzu is handling it ok and relaxing. Thats exactly what she needs to do and stay that way for a few days to ensure the keel heals properly.


Looking forward to hearing how all is progressing.

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Hi Sameera,


Im sorry to hear about your little one. I would suggest taking Zahzu to the vet to just checked over (he maybe then be able to suggest something for the pain) I have read that willow bark has aspirin like properties so try and get hold of some of those for her to chew on as it may help a little.





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Thanks for all your support guys - I am going to give the vet a call, and if he gives the ok, I will email photos of Zahzu to him, rather than take her to the vet - the trips are way too stressful for her; I think it's one of the causes of her feather plucking (which is kinda starting up again since a week or 2 ago)...

As far as willow bark goes - that is where asprin comes from originally; however I think it could be toxic to her, because asprin can be pretty toxic to us humans! With drugs - the greater the effect, the more significant the side effect! ;-)

We went out for a few hours this morning, had someone checking up on her, and no more bleeding, so I think we are recovering from this incident!


Only issue is - she loves to play on top of her cage - she's been fine all the while; however now we are very scared to let her play on top of her cage...she's usually always on top when we are home - what do we do? Is it ok to let her be up there as long as we stay close? Or is it too much of a risk?



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It can be, I would think, but due to her stress and injury and being unable to fly away she probably feels much safer up there than on the floor. I guess you could try leaving her up there, or perhaps taking her directly out of the cage if she'll let you and let her play on a low place like a coffee table or something. But floor play might be too scary for her, especially in her present condition. If you are gonna continue to allow her to play up on top, maybe you could move her cage off the tile flooring and unto something a bit softer, like carpet?

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It's good to hear all is well this morning with Zahzu. :-)


I agree with TT, that there should be cushioning around the cage if you are going to allow her to get back up on top of the Cage. You could surround it with soft blankets or large towels fluffed up several inches thick to cushion another fall.


The optimum solution would be to get her to a lower level as TT suggested and even sitting on your leg or lap and spend some quality bonding time. :-)

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We were thinking of putting foam all around her cage to cushion any potential falls - she doesn't mind playing on the floor, as long as we are sitting with her, but if she's left to her own devices, and we watch tv, or sit at the computer - she goes to her cage and climbs up to play. She does sit with us in our laps for about 2hours per day on average... unfortunately, our home is pretty small, and the only carpeted place is the bedroom - and that is where we have done all our toweling of the poor bugger, so I don't want to take her there at the moment, because it might remind her of the whole fiasco!

Will definately be getting the foam around the cage, but for now towels and blankets will have to suffice.


Nims - that is reallllly interesting about the willow bark! I don't know where I'd find it in South Africa though unfortunately...


Will keep you all updated.





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