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merlin touched me!


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pretty big week here at the monkey house!


merlin has been loving daddy man for many weeks now, nuzzling his hand, rubbing beaks, preening his beard and such.


this week i accidentally left peetey out of his cage at lights-out and left peetey's light on so merlin did not get a good night's sleep. he was in a FURY the next morning and rushed out of his cage to bite my finger. that was not punishment enough so he flew at my face with jaws and claws (missed me by a mile). but we had quite a display of bad temper from our little grey fellow. i was completely in the wrong and owned up to it.


so we had a very quiet day of toy making and ambient togetherness and lots of pine nut eating. i let him cool off for a couple days.


well! yesterday he and i did the face to face minuet that we'd been doing for a couple days: he'd approach my face and stop and stare then back off. repeat repeat repeat. usually toward the end of this little dance i would offer him my finger to see if he wanted to step up or maybe take a little taste. he would always decline and i would say 'all righty merl, maybe tomorrow.'


yesterday i offered him my finger and he actually approached it and gave it a little taste! it was definitely not a bite as i'd learned what that was a couple days ago ha ha ha. so i sweetly praised him for being a brave and smart boy and he approached me again and played with one of my rings!


so maybe i have graduated from Devil's Daughter to Tolerable Human!

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wow... geez... i've never had my grey go after me like that. how old is your bird? if he's is getting older, plus the fact that he loves 'daddy man' lol and not you, this could be the beginning of bonding-related aggression towards you and not necessarily because he was grumpy from lack of sleep.

do be careful and read lots on the subject of bonding related aggression and how to prevnt/correct it so that his little tantrum doesn't repeat itself.

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