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I Didn't See That Coming (You Provide the Story)


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As some of you might have noticed I am new to the forum and as part of my research I have been asking you kind people a few questions about owning Greys. I think this question may be fun for others and informative for me:


When you first got your Grey I am pretty sure there were moments where you said, "I didn't see that coming." What I mean by that is your bird completely surprised you and in a nice or not so nice way. I would love to hear these stories and also any advice you would give a potential parrot owner so they don't get taken completely off guard.




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Hi Greg,


Boy, there are sooooo many "Moments". ;-)


Here is a link to get you started that several members here contributed to:




There are also many more threads with similar information. I would write out a "Book", but am a little pressed for time right now. I know others will post some stuff directly and I will too later.


This is a great thread for you to have started. You will not be disappointed, I'm sure. :-)

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Tyco is getting more like a human everyday this morning like every morning my neighbour lets her little yappy pomeranian out. This dog barks no stop and wakes everyone up. This morning Tyco woke up and she says No barking in a stern voice and then a coule seconds later when the dog didn't listen there was a sigh in her voice and she said o'boy it was so cute I just had to laugh

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Klaus was brought home because my husband and son wanted a bird. I am not a "bird person" and told them they could have a bird but that I would not take care of it.

After Klaus had been here about a week, it became clear that he had chosen me to be his main person.

I did not see that coming! I now provide 99% of Klaus' care. I'm the one that fusses and worries over him.

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I never get tired of telling the story about how Athena jumped into my arms on first sight.


I didn't even want a grey! I'd never seen one in person and I thought they were too plain. I'd also read too many "horror" stories on the internet and thought a bird like a grey was just going to be too much hassle. Plus, my husband was not too keen on having a parrot so I didn't want to bring home a bird that by all accounts was going to be snippy on a good day and down right obnoxious on a bad one. Ha!! What little I knew!


Well, the day we went bird shopping at the birdshow, I had every intention of getting a sun conure. But there was a booth with about ten greys crawling all over people's shoulders and it was like a moth to the flame - I just *had* to go look at those unique and regal birds. One of the breeders came up to me and started handing me baby greys. And let me tell you, none of them wanted anything to do with me! Then she brought out a smallish grey that she said they didn't want people to handle because she was still learning to perch and fly, and while she was explaining this to me, that little sweetheart flapped her wings and leaped - yes leaped! - into my arms. It was all I could do to catch her. Then she snuggled up under my chin and began to chirp as if she was the happiest bird in the world.


There was pretty much no turning back at that point. I've fallen in love with this little fluffball, and if the hundreds of pictures I've taken is any indication, I think she's the most beautiful bird in the world ;-) But you could say that she was a total surprise - my girl stole my heart before I even knew it was up for grabs!

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Hi Greg,


All the stories here are really nice - mine is the not so nice aspect ;-)


We got our baby about 1 year ago now, and she had her wings clipped by the bird sitter - we allowed it in our total ignorance! This resulted in her barbering her wings - which lead to the vet removing the flight feathers... to make a long story short, now we have a feather picking bird, who had had so many falls resulting in broken blood feathers. My hubby and I have had to learn how to remove blood feathers that are bleeding ourselves, and now the little madam is going onto antidepressants to calm her and help her relax while her body heals up, and hopefully grows in new flight feathers.


However, she talks lots, loves to get head scratches...and best of all is potty trained! :)


It is an absolute joy owning a grey, however it is a huge responsibility, and can be very trying and stressful at times.


Thanks my 2c ;-)



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Mine is the same as laurie. My boyfriend wanted a grey since he was a kid and finally did all his research and got one. I was not at all a bird person and was actually a bit against it. I then thought oh what the hell it's his bird I won't have to do anything.


Lo and behold this creature fell in love with me which surprised and shocked me. The grey and I would look at each other and all I could think is I have no idea what to do for you or what you need. It was then a steep learning curve for me as this grey was not giving up and wanted me. Definately didn't see that coming.

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Well, I would reccommend IF you decide wing clipping is for you, you get it done by an avian vet - someone with lots of experience who knows what they are doing.

I support wing clipping, I also support not wing clipping! I'm actually not sure what we will do once Zahzu's wings grow back in - would love to leave her flighted though. It's really a decision you need to weigh up, and make yourself.

Just make sure if you decide - it must ONLY ONLY ONLY be done by someone who's hot stuff at it! :)



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Looking back, I was not prepared for the Love that developed. I never dreamed I and my Wife would view Dayo as one of our birth children. But, it happened and we could not imagine life with out him.


He truly is one of our children and we would do anything for him.


We have always loved our dogs, cats pets etc. very deeply, but nothing as intense as this.

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  • 1 year later...

May I just say that when it comes to 'trim or not to trim' it is a decision based completely on the safety of the Grey in question..my semi-sweet girl is trimmed back every spring when her flights are fully in and she's discovered them to be..I always trim back three or four...give her a test flight and if need be..trim off one or two more but NEVER more than six..usually only five...once she is just smoothly gliding to the floor with no LIFT..that's good enough...

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Yoshi's wings were clipped after her 'first flight' apparently, and we got her at 4 months old. Now, flying is probably going to be tough on Yoshi, as she never properly learned, but she is definately going to be allowed to grow those feathers back... I don't like the idea of taking the ability of flight away from a bird AT ALL, especially for convenience, but there you go... Yoshi is pretty clumsy, and when she falls, she falls hard. Being able to fly would be much safer for her in our houshold.


Whatever you choose to do, remember that it is a BIG decision. The feathers take a long time to grow back, and they do not grow back in evenly... and clipping a bird's feathers does not mean they cannot fly away if they get outside anyway...<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/01/12 02:32

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Well said Jess! Quickdood, I haven't read your other posts yet, but I assume it's a bird your getting - one of the most amazing experiences you will have as a bird owner is having that bird fly to your hand when you call it!

But enough about wing clipping, that's not what the thread is about, there are plenty other threads here that cover that topic.

I have wanted an African Grey for over 15 years, I finally got her in May 08, my fiance didn't particularly want her, and has in fact had a severe phobia of all birds since childhood, but with a lo-hot of sweet talking from me, he finally relented!! The good news is that having Alfie has gotten David over his phobia!

Alfie turns two next month and the shock of my story is, she is totally and completely Davids bird - she hangs off his every word and he spoils her like a baby! The two of them are thick as thieves! I did not see that coming!!:laugh:

There have been ups and downs, but we have quite a happy family most of the time! You will be amazed by your bird each and every day!

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Lol, I never thought Yoshi would be as fun as she is :)


I never thought my husband (not a bird person) would like her as much as he does! He isn't obsessed like me, but he likes her a lot more than I thought he would. I think living with a happy grey forces you to love the lovable creature no matter if you are a bird person or not :P


I never thought Yoshi would sound so odd! lol... I was expecting squawks, but nope, Yoshi is a quiet bird except when she is excited... when she does try and make conversation she does a series of soft squawks and 'gremlin' like speech, working on her human speech but sounding terrible at the moment and making us laugh our butts off, lol...

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I've only had Yuki for 1 week, but one thing I did not expect was that she would beg for food. I have a French Bulldog and her life revolves around food and begging for whatever we are eating, I guess I didn't expect it from a bird. If I'm eating near Yuki she will fly over to me if I don't offer her some. When it's something that she shouldn't have I try to give her some of her food, but she just gives me a dirty look and drops it on the floor.

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Love the stories. I guess what I didn't expect was the level of speech the birds can achieve. I hadn't heard a grey talk - even on the computer - until after I brought Tobie home and I was thinking that these birds on "you tube" must be special. Tobie makes so much sense sometimes that it is spooky. Today Tobie was trying out his new word "Goodmorning". He said "goodmorning" and I answered "goodmorning" and he said "I already said that". No kidding, thats what he said.

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