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Bringing home baby


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Hi everybody!


I will be bringing home my 16-week big, baby boy tomorrow. I have visited him a couple of times and am impressed with his calm demeanor. (I hope he stays that way:) My husband and I currently have one pet, a sweet quaker, Jimpster. He is a total love-puppy ands his favorite thing is giving kisses to anyone nearby.

We have no experience with a large parrot like a grey. We have also spent lots of time reading and learning as much as we can, yet nothing beats hearing from you about what to expect the first days he will be home. I feel bad that I have to subject him to a transcontinental airplane ride and a two hour car trip before he gets home. He will be crouched in an air line carrier for almost eleven hours! Has anyone else brought home a grey from a long distance? Any advice would be appreciated!

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i can't say i've ever flown long distance with any of my birds, but as far as I know, avoid the x-ray machine thing at security, don't pass the bird through, it is harmful. The noise of the plane might spook him, and obviously make sure you are flying with an airline that will allow you to bring him on as a carry-on, the cargo is no place for any animal IMHO, but especially not a bird, and especially not a sensitive little baby grey who's never experienced anything like that before, having to go through something like that could have major behavioural backlash. Just keep him reassured and as comfortable as possible throughout the flight, lots of familiar toys, foods, you know, the whole deal. If you get through that, the car ride will be a walk in the park. Good luck!

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Hi,i have a link here which offers advice on bringing your baby home,ideally i would say leave your baby out,walk around your home talking to her/him & let him he become familiar with the new surroundings,you can still follow the advice but you will have to judge how tired you baby is after such a long trip,perhaps in your case,some cuddles & reassurance then some rest in his cage.Good luck..



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Congratulations chezron!!!


The Day has finally arrived. It will be a LONG one, but once your new baby and you are safe and secure in your home. Things will settle down and the process of familiarization, socialization and love for everyone will begin. :-)


Please keep us updated with progress and of course lots of photos!!

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Quick update on Brutus, the baby-

We got home about ten hours after we left. Brutus was great! I almost put him to sleep stroking his beak at the gate. He was quiet during the entire plane ride. Today he was very comfortable. He ate lots of food, preened, gave kisses, got head scratches, and played with all his new toys. Jimpster, the quaker is not crazy about anyone sharing his parent's affections though. I hope we can all get along and learn to value one another. Thanks for the encouragement.

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