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Help identify this bird


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Well it's been a week today since Bonkers has found his way to our hearts and home:) And we have not had one call about a missing bird. I think we may be his new flock. He's a really good bird. Loves to be held and we can touch every part of his little body. He's been handled a lot. He knows what a dinner plate is and will steal a piece of food when you're not looking;) ;) He's an expert flyer and can fly all through the house, make turns and do precision landing, too. I was surprised at how quiet he is. A few squaks a day is all we hear and I am home all day usually. Usually if we hear his squaks it means somethings up like a big noisy truck outside or he has flown off his cage and looking for us. A lot of time when he spots us he will let out a call and zoom to us. He loves to be on a person all the time! I think he's quite happy here but think he probably came from a great place, too. I would love to know where he came from and how far away did he come from.


I don't know if it's a boy or girl but call it a boy for now. We will probably do a dna eventually because I am very curious to know. I'd also like to know how old it is. Is there any way to tell? Would the dna test tell that, too?


If someone was to call about a lost bird now I am not sure what I would do:dry:

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On Bonkers second day he was just a little terror and my husband said someone probably "opened the door" for him and I thought that might have happened. Since I've had him though I can tell he is an expert flyer and could see him easily being gone in the split of a second. I would almost put money on it. I think he got out and flew away! Sometimes he comes from another room through the house and I don't even know he's there untill it's too late:ohmy: We will have to be careful too.



I am so sorry you lost your Bella. That must be devasting. :(

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It was. More so for my son as she had become his bird. We really got Alex for him but it didn't work out that way. I took in Martini more for me and again that hasn't worked out. My youngest daughter is his new mom! He loves her so much he will try and bit anyone who trys to take him away from her. He does contact calls to her if she leaves the room without him. I really don't mind that he doesn't like me much. Bella didn't like me much eather. What is important is that he is well loved and is happy. Which I think he is! He loves his play area and the toys that I made for him. He is learning to eat dinner with us just like Alex does. He seems happy and that's all that counts. B) My son is starting to save to get another Pionus. I'm sure we will end up helping him in the end. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, thanks for asking. Well. it's been one month today since Bonkers found us:) Never did find the owners and I took the ad down today. He is a really nice bird but noticed he is molting the last few days. :unsure: I started noticing a feather here and a feather there and now I feel the long pins behind his head and some on his back. I started a little feather box to keep them all in;) He gets a little cranky if I touch the wrong spot but that is expected during a molt, I guess.


He is so tame and wants to be on either me or my husband all the time. He lands on my head and then does a slide down my hair to my shoulder :laugh: I was doing dishes one day and he flew into the kitchen on my shoulder, crawled down my arm and proceeded to take a bath in the running tap water:laugh: I cupped my hands under it and he had a blast and got totally soaked. He has done this 3 times since we got him last month. He is hilarious.


We have to lock him in his cage when we eat or he will fly right down to our plates and steal our food:laugh: He will also go steal Baxters treat right from his feet if he knows he has somthing good :ohmy: The last thing was a long french fry. I gave Baxter his fry and was getting Bonkers fry but I guess he couldn't wait and ran over to Baxter and grabbed it. Baxter held on tight though and thr fry snapped in two and Baxter about fell off his perch hanging on to his fry:laugh: It cracked me up!!!



Bonkers was someones pride and joy and I do feel bad who ever lost him:( Now he is our pride and joy:)


He became quick friends with Baxter our grey. We tried to quaratine them at first but it didn't work out. Any time Bonkers flew he made a straight line to Baxters cage. They hang out together on Baxter cage alot of the time. I think Bonkers just like to raid Baxters food dish;)


Bonkers is very quiet for a Conure. I've heard so many stories about how loud they are. Bonkers will let out a few loud squaks during the day but not alot and he does give a warning yell as he takes off flying from his cage. If he does get to making too much noise Baxter will either tell him to "Knock it Off!" or to "Shut Up!" It's so funny!!!!


So he is fitting in very well with us and has become part of our family/flock. He is snuggled up with my husband right now taking it easy.:)

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  • 1 month later...

We have two Sun Conures that are named Bonnie and Clyde just because of the Conure personality. They are both lovers at heart though. They really crave to be the center of attention. They are a handful to take them out together unless you have some help. They team up on you.

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I couldn't imagine having 2 of them. I can barely keep up with this one:blink: :woohoo: :silly: :side:


Bonkers is the sweetest and definately the most tame of my 3. He loves to cuddle and has to be with someone all the time or so he thinks;)


He flies all through the house as if he owns it. He pretty much felt at home from the start and acted like he's been here for years.


Can't keep him out of a pepsi glass. We have to hide them or he will get it and he knows what it is. :P He will also try to get the ice cubes and take off with them when ever he gets the chance:evil: When we open the seed jar, he dives right into it:woohoo: He goes into Baxters cage and steals his treats:ohmy: We wash our hands and he runs down our arms and takes a shower in the tap water:lol: He falls asleep on my husband all the time like he did in the photo. If we leave the room, he isn't far behind us:) When we tell him it's time to go in the cage he yells at us:huh:


Conures definately have personalities:P Wish I had his energy;) He is a very good bird though. Just active:laugh:

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  • 1 year later...

Jayd- thanks for bringing this thread to life again. I remember when it first started not long after I joined the forum (but before i was addicted) and it's been lovely catching up with Bonkers!!


Erica, he sounds like a real little star. how is he doing now?

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Pearlyn, funny you should ask... I just read my last post on Bonkers back in October of 2008. My how things have changed in the past year. Bonkers is still the sweetest most loving, cuddly bird but ONLY to my husband. There has been drastic changes and he has turned into a real devil. :evil: He went through what I think was a hormonal stage last June and has never been the same with me or our little maltese since then. He was doing alot of nesting behavior and got really aggressive..I mean REALLY REALLy agressive. He went from being a sweet little thing that Never bit anybody to a dive bombing, beak opened fool. He would literally attack me and the dog. He got so bad for awhile, I got on here and asked and we ended up pretty much keeping him in his cage for about 2 months because he was so awful!!! Which was really hard for me because all our birds are out most of the time. To make this long story shorter I will just say the behavior did get better but he never got back to the way he was. I can't handle him anymore and have learned not to try. He loves my husband and my husband only. He still dive bombs my dog when ever he can and only dives bombs me about 2 times a month now:blink: Unfortunately he is in his cage more than he used to be but still out about 5 hours a day. It's really sad to me. I'm still not sure what happened or what me and the dog did wrong. :huh: I guess he has chosen my husband as his favorite person and has no room for any other humans. He gets along with Baxter and Cooper the amazon but just recently has attacked our eclectus when he got to close to his "territory" which is expanding as time goes on. His territory used to be his cage, then cage and couch, then cage, couch and playstand, then cage, couch, playstand, Coopers cage...pretty soon we wont be able to feel safe in our living room.


I've asked around but I don't know what to do about this behavior...I need a birdie behavioralist bad.



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