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EXACTLY!!!! {Communicate-0002011B}Couldn't have put it better myself. Baxter the grey likes Opera and Conure here is into Kid Rock{Feel-good-0002006E} Today conure is minding his manners and I guess it can be good, too{Feel-good-000200B9}. I would let the originals owners take him back home but have decided not to place him anywhere else if they do not show. I couldn't put him through the stress of it. He is quite the acrobat too with attitude and he just needs a little time. We are keeping him. Today I'm sure he will be great fun. {Emotions-000200C6}

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This is in response to Nychsa last post. I want to thank you for explaining some of it's behavior and how evil they could be and that I was not the only one to experience it. Wow, yours sounds like it can be a little demon, too. Sounds like what we were going through last night:) It was scary:dry: We thought we had a demon in the house:woohoo: Today he has been calm all morning. It's 1:27 pm now and I haven't even heard a loud scream yet. I'm sure it will happen though. I was afraid the noise would be an all day thing. He's nipped at me a couple times but not near as much. He absolutely hated me yesterday:evil: I guess its kind of funny now, especially for those who already have conures. I'm sure you could imagine what I was going through and {Feel-good-0002006E} getting a good laugh out of it. Maybe he fely that we were having second thoughts on him and decided he better show his good behavior off a little more. We are keeping him. {Communicate-000200D5} Your post on your conures behavior really helped me out. I think he may even be a blast!!!Thanks..

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Well you sure made him/her comfortable Erika! Nice big cage - great for conures :) I have ropes and ladders in Jiggy's and of course lots of stuff to shred. He forages like a maniac as well.


I'm glad Jiggy made you smile :) He's not always demonic looking - he's really cute actually :laugh:

Here he is stalking Bella :woohoo:


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii134/Nychsa/ohohsheslooking.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/08/18 00:09

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Yes, he is adorable. He looks like a totally different bird wet. :P I really like taking pictures of my pets too. Can't wait untill I can get the 2 birdies together:blink: That should be fun!


Well, now that all the chaos is over it's time for the name. He really did have us freaked out yesterday and we did take that into consideration in naming. We were scared{Feel-bad-00020063} {Emotions-00020120} He/she is back to being an angel today. So it's not Mo Money anymore and it's not psycho either, those were just temporary. I've been thinking about "real names" since yesterday and wrote a few down. We finally decided and thought it would fit the personality. And The Name is......Bonkers {Emotions-000200BE} It had to be gender friendly and it really drove us Bonkers yesterday while it was going Bonkers here!!!! Now it's playing and doing flips on the toys and going Bonkers in a good way! I looked up "Crazy" on the online thesaurus and Bonkers was another word for crazy:silly: Seemed to fit. Now I am attached and although it would probably be better if his owners did find him, I would be heartbroken. I have claimed for my own now. If I thought it was from a bad place I wouldn't give him back but I really think he came from a good place. Another reason I didn't want to find him another home. I'd hate for a good bird to through too much stress if it isn't necessary.

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I think that's a perfect name for a conure I have 2 conure and they are just the clowns of the bird world for sure. The thing I like best about Conures is that they may have a favorite person but when it come to getting attention they are not fussy who they get it from every one who has ever met my little green Sprout he's a (Green cheecked Conure) has fallin head over heals in love with him he will step up for anyone and let anone give him pets and scritches he is so playful they just have the biggest personality for such little birds. I just love my conure's they are great fun to have around.

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Bonkers is a great name Erika! I can appreciate the uncertainty of not knowing whether or not his/her parents will turn up one day - but like Dan said, he may have come from very far away, so it might be pretty difficult to find them. So, he may have just moved right in on you! It's probably better now while Baxter is still fairly new as well :)


Either way, I think you'll enjoy Bonkers. Like Pat said, while they may tend to like one human in particular, they certainly have no qualms about getting friendly with anyone who becomes a captive audience for their antics :laugh:

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spookyhurst wrote:

I used to have a Dusky Headed Conure. He was nameless for about 6 months. Then I decided on the perfect name: Jesse James. He was my little outlaw :P.


I love it Spooky! Yes, outlaw is about right :laugh: Duskys are hard to find from what I understand. Jiggy found us - he made sure he caught my attention at a pet store and held me captive until I finally bought him and everything he needed :P Just think, all I went to the store for was dog food!

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Thanks everyone. I'm glad you all like it. I thought it fit pretty good and the name did go pretty good with Baxters:) When I bought Baxter I loaded him up with a bunch of new toys but Baxter didn't seem very interested in them so Bonkers lucked out. I did go buy him a coil rope and he loves it. The cage came with a swing at the top and he hopped right on it. I was wondering if they are naturally taken with new things and show no fear or if hes probably had one in the past. He's definately a pro at the swing and the coil rope. The only think that he or Baxter has not even went near really is the brightly colored thing made of plastic straws.

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Nychsa wrote:

spookyhurst wrote:
I used to have a Dusky Headed Conure. He was nameless for about 6 months. Then I decided on the perfect name: Jesse James. He was my little outlaw :P.


I love it Spooky! Yes, outlaw is about right :laugh: Duskys are hard to find from what I understand. Jiggy found us - he made sure he caught my attention at a pet store and held me captive until I finally bought him and everything he needed :P Just think, all I went to the store for was dog food!


Jesse did the same thing with me :). He was the first bird I looked at at the pet store, and then I started looking at the other birds. He was practically doing backflips to get my attention back on him. When I held him, he didn't want to go back in his cage. I found out the poor guy had been there for 6 months, so no wonder he was so anxious to find a home.

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BaxtersMom wrote:

I was wondering if they are naturally taken with new things and show no fear or if hes probably had one in the past. He's definately a pro at the swing and the coil rope. The only think that he or Baxter has not even went near really is the brightly colored thing made of plastic straws.


Hi there Erika!


I don't know if it's conures in general or what, but Jiggy isn't stumped by new things either, but Bella is wary of new toys.


So, the way I do it, when I get something for Bella, I give it to Jiggy first. His first inclination is to ATTACK :evil: :evil: :evil: After that he begins playing with it. That peeks Bella's interests and so she has to come over to his cage and investigate. Once she sees him playing with it, she starts playing and I can move it to her cage then :laugh:


So, if Bonkers isn't showing any fear about new things - it might just be a conure trait. Heaven knows they have no concept of their size and believe they can conquer anything :woohoo:




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I know how that is although I control my erges these days every time I go get bird food I have to look in on all the birds that they have Some times its so hard to resist especally when you have a pocketbook ful of money. When I was there the other day to buy a budgie for the little girl that lives accross the street they had the most beautiful cherry head conure in there thank God I didn't go with very much money that day or I would have been coming home with that bird. they also had a Jenday that was very appealing.

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The Bird store is my favorite place to shop now a days!!!{Characters-0002005C} I get so excited. When I first got Baxter I wanted to load him up with toys and bought quite a few. I was kind of disappointed that he really didn't show much interest in them. To be honest, he could care less:( So when Bonkers came to stay with us he was thrilled with all Baxters extras:woohoo: I'm glad I had them to give. But man it's a temptation every time I go in to get their food. I cant resist a couple new goodies. I have to control myself too because they are quite pricey:ohmy: Baxters favorites are the little cheapie things like the straw balls and wreaths. He understands a budget:silly:


My latest update in finding the previous owners is I got in contact with our local animal control who works with surrounding areas. They have all the needed information. I also put an add on craigslist in the lost and found section. It will run for 45 days. I feel I have done my best and I have put in quite a bit of time on it even thought I didn't want to. The rest is up to the previous owners and how bad they want to find him. I know I would have fliers up in all my surrounding areas to get my bird back and call everyone agency that I could think of.

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Yea, that's for sure. He's the type if I don't bring him something home he will throw a temper trantum{Feel-bad-0002006A} I've been trying to not get attached to him and leave the emotions out of it incase "they" did show up to claim him. As of today, It's too late now. My hearts involved. Might have to tell them he flew away again;)

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LOL!! :laugh: I like that Carolyn. Yes, just send them all my way. No bird turned away! :silly: You need one now:P I was worried that I could not handle 2 birds, but not anymore. It's really not any extra trouble at all and twice the fun:laugh: I recommend it for everyone!<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/19 00:58

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Oh sounds as if Bonkers has found himself a great mom! You have gone above and beyond what most would have done to find his old owners. I know this sounds bad but there are people out there that just pretty much throw the bird out the door because they don't want it any more. The lady that we got Bella from was going to do that. Bella wasn't even flighted at the time. Bella passed away about this time last year do to a respitoriy infection. She is very missed.

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