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Help identify this bird


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My neighbor brought this bird over to me.:ohmy: It's lost.

Said it just flew on his shoulder.:woohoo: :silly: Brought it to us because he knew we had a grey. I don't know what kind of bird it is though. Does anyone know what kind of bird this is???? If this picture does not post, please check my profile page. I have been having trouble downloading pictures in the forum. new_bird.jpg


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One thing for sure, its a very pretty parrot. I am not certain of the type but guess its a conure of some sort. Others here may know. I will research a bit and let you know what I find. Clearly someone's pet. since you do not know this bird keep it in a separate room from your grey (eg quarantine) as you do not know its health history at this point.


Almost certainly a Nanday...


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanday_Conure<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/08/16 04:39

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Hi, I have found out it is a nenday conure aka black hooded nenday parakeet. People are so great on this site. I will try and find his/her owner. It may belong to a neighbor but we thought he only had macaws. He's not home right now. I've already called animal control/police and there aren't any reports of missing birds yet. This is the sweetest thing. Someone really took a lot of time with this bird and they are probably worried sick. I will try to find his mommy and daddy but if I can't I will keep give him a good home. Also, I didn't think about quarantine and already introduced Baxter to this one for just a few minutes. I hope it's okay. How long should we quarantine the new bird if he should stay with us? It seems to be very healthy so far.

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Chances are very good its healthy, but quarantine and a vet check would be in order if you keep it. We have some quarantine guidelines on the site, I believe its recommended at 45 days (seems long but goes fast) since most illness would present by then. I would not worry too much about the introduction (again chances a very low the bird is ill), but I would still keep them separate for now.

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Ok, thanks for all the help & info. I will go check out the guidelines about quarantine. We thought it might have belonged to someone in our neighborhood but turns out all his birds are accounted for. We have called animal rescue but they are closed till Monday and they referred us to the police but there aren't any missing birds reported so far. Hmmm. What to do, What to do? It is such a friendly friendly bird and I'm sure someone is worried sick about him/her.

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We had a Nanday conure that was brought into the store that just landed on the shoulder of the guy that brought him in. Really sweet bird. Here in Fort Myers we have wild Nanday Conures all around downtown near the river so we didn't know if this bird was recently lost or had flown free for awhile and then decided he wanted the "good" life back with people. We held on to him for a while waiting to see if someone came in with a flyer (most people do bring in lost bird flyers) but after about a month we put him up for sale and is now in a good home.


I LOVE nanday conures. The have a great personality and are too cute with their bandit colors.

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I take it your little house guest is still with you Erika? Do you have any pet stores close by or vet offices? People may have left notes there.


I'm sure you're starting to fall in love with him! Conures are awesome - crazy little guys with termendous personalities!

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Hi all. Our houseguest is still with us:laugh: . We didn't have a proper cage for him to sleep in last night but he seemed very comfortable on the big playgym we have. He stayed on it all night. It has food and water at the top. We put him in a separate room from Baxter. Last night he was so friendly and sweet and only wanted to be on me or my husband. He had to be close. He seems to prefer my husband today. I think now that it's a new day, he's a little more shocked than last night. Today he wants nothing to do with me at all and will bite me :evil: if I try to get him on my finger. He will run to my husband though and climb up his shirt and settle in. I didn't think about calling a vets office. Thats a good idea. There are several around here. Went driving today but seen no flyers. I think we are going to try and find a suitable cage today. We did plan on getting another bird anyway, (but not this soon:woohoo: so regardless if we find his family or not we will need an extra cage anyway. We will most likely keep him if his we can't find his family but I would like to return him to his family if I could. Hey, does anyone know the proper distance I should keep him from Baxter during his quarantine? I'm not sure how far apart they should be. And also how do greys and conures get along together?<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/16 21:47

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Yep, that's a nanday and a cutie to boot! They are illegial in some states from what I understand, much like quakers. They also can be very loud and I would watch to make sure that your other birds don't pick this up because if a grey picks up a loud little bird call, it's 10 times worse because he's bigger (I would know... ever heard female cockatiel alarm call a la TAG?-- it's very loud :P)!

Quarantine obviously is a must, and watch for jealousy also... good luck!

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My grey has been very nice & quiet. Hope it stays like that but I could see/hear him mimicking the nanday:woohoo: I bet it would be loud. I am just wondering if them being is separate rooms is enough or is there a certain distance they should be kept from eachother? And I have been washing my hands after touching the new bird before I touch my grey but what about the clothing. The nanday will come up on my shouldes when ever it gets the chance and play in my hair. Is there any risk in that? This quaratine thing has got me thrown for a loop. We did get a nice cage for the new guest so he has a proper place to be right now...We were thinking about calling him "Mo Money":laugh:

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We were thinking about calling him "Mo Money" - great idea for a name.


Personally I would wear one shirt for the grey and one for the nanday. You dont know anything about this bird, or where he has been before you neighbour found him so I would be extra careful. And the handwashing and separate rooms is a must also.


You might find an owner for him in the next few days, but if he leaves your grey sick you would be devastated. So take every precaution you can!

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Thanks. I just want to make sure if I am going to quarantine the new bird that I do it correctly. I hate to go through all the trouble just to find out I did it wrong or forgot a step. Its funny that we got Baxter a month ago and the house was total chaos and stressful for a few weeks in the beginning and just when we got all settled in and had our routine "Boom" :woohoo: Here we go again:blink: I'm not complaining though.{Feel-good-000200BB} We knew we wanted another bird but certainly not expecting one this fast. I will still try to find it's owners though. I am really feeling sorry for them about now. They must be so worried and thinking the worst:(

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Yes they must be worried :( He sounds adorable and quite tame so someone must have loved him. And obviously they were looking after him and giving him out of cage time or he wouldnt have been able to escape;) But I don't get why they havent plastered posters over everything and everywhere in your neighbourhood? If I lost one of my birds, I know I'd do that.


So maybe you'll never find the owners, and you will be able to keep him. Just another idea, do you have a local radio station? Maybe you could put an appeal on it without mentioning the type of bird, and you might find them that way.

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Assuming that "Mo MOney" is fully flighted, he/she could have flown a loooooong ways.


I checked all the bird associated online boards and found nothing on a missing nandy.


Sadly, I could not believe how many different types of Parrots Were lost just in and around the Michigan area. Everything from Cockatiels, Macaws and Greys. It is really sad to see these and know how devastated the families must be at the loss.


It does seem like destiny may have had it's way and especially considering the fact that your neighbors knew you were the type of woman that keeps a Parrot. ;-)


Good luck with your new flock member. :-)

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Well, we have given our house guest a temporary name. We are calling it Psycho:evil: What came to us as the most loving adorable bird has some how turned evil overnight:ohmy: He is doing fine other than being a little heathen today. He isn't friendly to me at all today. He is biting me if I come near. He seems to like my husband much more and that is fine but a little nippy with him, too. He ate good, rested quietly for awhile on the playstand. We made some calls to see if anyone reported missing birds, we searched several neighborhoods for flyers. Even checked the newspaper to see if there were any missing pets. None so far. I really doubt if we will find the owners. We ended up getting him a really nice cage. He went in, ate, checked it out but wanted to perch on top. That was ok untill he wanted to start flying all around the house. We can't let him get to Baxter and I feel bad keeping him locked inside all by himself with no contact or vision of us. That seems cruel. Whenever we would take him back to the cage he would just fly away again. So he's back inside and has been screaming loudly ever since then. I'm not sure how this is going to work out:unsure: I know he's not comfortable here yet and this is all new and strange but he's pretty loud:) My husband is already saying we need to think about getting rid of him if we cant find the owners. I don't think we should make any quick decisions on it at all but I am kind of concerned too that he might not fit our household. Then again after a couple weeks things may settle down and he may turn back into the loving bird we first met last night. He just seems loud and angry tonight. :angry: And pacing in the cage. Any advice??? I don't mind a little noise but is it an all day thing? Will he get sweet again?

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If you decide the little guy is too much for you, consider taking him to a bird rescue. They would make sure that whoever adopted him was educated and capable of caring for him (and save you the stress of finding him a good home). I did a quick search and found a few places in Michigan:









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Thanks for the links. It may turn out fine with some time and patience on our end and perhaps learning more about their behavior. I think I may be a little freaked out and overwhelmed at the moment, too.It all happened so fast last night and the bird didn't have anyplace to go. The guy who brought him to us has 3 dogs (one is a wolf) and a few cats in a very small home. No set up for birds at all. I felt I had to take him/her in and there realy wasn't any other option at the time. And he also was such a little darling last night, too. I never seen such affection from a bird. If it turns out the little devil can not stay with us it would be my main priority to find him a place where he go through the least amount of stress possible and place him where I knew the possible next family knew what they were getting into. We are like a bunch of old fogies including our grey trying to entertain a 7 year old:ohmy: It would be wonderful if the owners could find us because I know he was a very loved bird. This decision is a very very important one and I know it. I will do what is best for our little guest, perhaps he will be a permanent resident in the end. Thanks again for the links to the rescues. I probably don't have the heart to send him away anyway. Just need some more education and time hopefully.

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I think he's just abit overwelmed and a little afraid he's lost his flock and the screaming is his way of trying to call to them Once he realizes that they are not comeing back he will settle down and start excepting you as his new flock it may take a wek or two but I'm sure with time and patiants he will be that loveing bird that landed on your doorstep

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I think he's just abit overwelmed and a little afraid he's lost his flock and the screaming is his way of trying to call to them Once he realizes that they are not comeing back he will settle down and start excepting you as his new flock it may take a wek or two but I'm sure with time and patiants he will be that loveing bird that landed on your doorstep

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When my daughter had to watch Jiggy for me for 2 weeeks, the first 4 days he was absolutely demonic. He attacked EVERYONE. And then after 4 days she said, it was as if someone hit a switch and he became a big lover boy.


He does the same thing to pet sitters. All of our pet sitters say Bella is a dream to watch and Jiggy is hell on wings! He actually dive bombs sitters :ohmy:


One of my friends who watch them the last time I was out of town said Jiggy was so onery, attacking her relentlessly when she tried to get him into his cage, it was even too much for Bella! Bella felt she had to come to my friend's rescue. Bella flew over to Jiggy's cage and towered over him, spreading her wings a bit and puffing her feathers up as if she were saying "enough now!". Didn't help LOL he just lunged at her too!


But again - couple of days, and he's fine. Conures are feisty and very intelligent. Jiggy CLEARLY understands me when I want something. He steps up, he is potty trained AND he knows what "no bite" means. He loves attention and entertaining everyone. In fact, he thrives on being the center of the show! :laugh: And he knows that he'll get in trouble if he does bite and acts naughty - as in jump on people's back, looking for bra straps :blink: He loves to mess with the metal in bra's.


Conures need a lot of space and lots of toys. They shred things all day long. Jiggy loves nothing more than a box with paper in it. He will futz around in there all day long :laugh:


They also like to climb around on things and do a lot of gymnastics.


Jiggy's love is certainly where his stomach is. When his sitters feed him, he chills out after a while.


So, I think what you're seeing is more than likely normal.


So, hope you have luck finding his home. But like Dan said - it's possible he came from a long way.





Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/08/17 15:18


Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/08/17 15:21<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/08/17 15:27

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Well, to put it in perspective....


A Grey is the type of person that wears a Tuxedo and is well poised. A Conure is a Punk Rock Skate Boarder with ATTIUDE!!! :P


He will settle in as others described. But, don't count on him becoming as sedentary as a Grey, it will never happen. :-)

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