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Ugh... why does mr. murphy hate me so much


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That's right folks, mr. murphy of the proverbial mr. murphy's law has struck. Juust when I have no time or money to handle a situation properly and the store in mind is closed, things break. more specfically the locking mechanism on Jacko's cage.


Nothing like that sinking feeling when you go to open the latch and springs pop off... it was definetly one of those ah &*$! (insert preferred expletive here).

here's the kicker ladies and gents, I don't have one of those brand name cages... no siree bob... and I'm not about to sell the cage because I won't get anywhere what I paid for it, especially since the top cage is unusable.

so yours truly must run around to store wherein i purchased this cage tomorrow like chicken with head cut off and pray to the supreme being of your choice that they in fact know the manufacturer of these cages and can order me new parts or give me contacts to call, either way. ARRGH LOL!! I HATE MR. MURPHY :P

Barring that, anyone know how to construct a locking mechanism for a cage (yes for a decorative point of view, matching locks would be nice but hey, i just want something effective and safe)

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You could try a pad lock for the time being I used to have to lock Tycos Old cage with a pad lock because if I didn't she would escape and then open every other birds cage and throw all their full food dishe across the room I would come home and think that there was a earthquake or some other type of disaster just at my house. Her new cage is escape proof thank goodness The lock is a pin that slide into a hole in the top of the cage and down into the door frame when she's in her cage there is no way that she can reach that pin to pull it out. Who ever built this cage built it with a hodini bird in mind

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i can't really find good pics of my cage ANYWHERE, however, the locks are very distintive, (reminding me very much of the latches common on bathroom stalls or dressing rooms, the one where you push the bolt till it clicks and locks with a button to press for release) they are copper coloured inscribed with asian calligraphy of some sort (i don't know which language)

here's the best close-up pic i could find (you can also zoom in further)


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