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AG Red Tail Baby Dilema

Guest SchreibG

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Guest SchreibG

Hello to all,


I recently purchased a baby grey, she/he is 4.5 months, beautiful and full of life. I've did everything to accommodate this baby before it got home, did a lot of reading and thought I was ready for it until just recently I notice that my sinus/allergies are worse than ever before, and it gets worse when I get close to the grey or spend to much time close to him/her.


I've purchased air filters, I vacuum every day 1 or 2 times, I spray the grey with warm water 2-4 times a week but the problem with the dander or dust feathers is still there.


Is this normal? Will it get better when he's older? is it a baby thing? is there a remedy to this problem? I'm almost convinced I will have to get rid of this bird just because of this. It's not only affecting me but also my wife.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and I would hate to have to get rid of my baby grey.

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Guest Sining

Greys produce powder that they use to preen their feathers, rather than oil like other types of parrots do. Your Grey will always produce the powder down (dander as you call it)--it is a normal part of a Grey. My Grey was about the same age as your bird is when I got her & she produces the same amount of powder down now as she did as a baby (she's 14 months old now). It actually tends to get worse during the molting season.

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Guest DoomBunny

The dust is a normal part of the bird. You should probably go down to an ENT (Ears, Nose and Throat) doctor and see what type of allergy medication you can take to correct the problem. I take allergy shots on a weekly basis (not because of my bird), they will help build up a tolerance in your body to pet dander, ragweed and anything else you are allergic to. The allergy that you have, is a reaction of your body producing to much Histamine. The shots help in teaching your body how to react to the allergin. After a while you will no longer need the shots and your body will react correctly.

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Guest Miandruil

I also have alergies to dust mites and so does my husband. We take meds so the dander isn't a bother. But then again we would sneeze all day as long as

Cyndr (CAG) was happy! (he's not spoiled a bit) He does take regular showers and he has a bowl of water on his play table that he chooses to use as a bath. It's a small bowl meant for drinking but boy does he have a ball sticking his head in and flopping his wings around making a huge mess laughing and talking the whole time. This does cut down on the dander around though. Good luck to you. I hope you find a remedy either for yourself and your wife or a fun way for your CAG to get wet. By the way Cyndr sings (whistles) in the shower :)

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Guest MorningDove16

1. PMD is a troll who likes to try to get people mad. Sometimes it succeeds.

Just ignore it, and maybe it will go away.


2. My Grey puts out a lot of dust, too. He get regular baths, and I have a filter near the cage, but I still find his dust everywhere. I really hope you find solution.

Maybe someone on this group can advise on filters, etc.

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Guest Miandruil

I also have alergies to dust mites and so does my husband. We take meds so the dander isn't a bother. But then again we would sneeze all day as long as

Cyndr (CAG) was happy! (he's not spoiled a bit) He does take regular showers and he has a bowl of water on his play table that he chooses to use as a bath. It's a small bowl meant for drinking but boy does he have a ball sticking his head in and flopping his wings around making a huge mess laughing and talking the whole time. This does cut down on the dander around though. Good luck to you. I hope you find a remedy either for yourself and your wife or a fun way for your CAG to get wet. By the way Cyndr sings (whistles) in the shower :)

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Guest Agubwa

PMD? More like PMS.


I didn't read it that Rick is moaning. The guy has a legitimate question and concern. And "Gonzalez" is not a real "American" sounding name.

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