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Oatmeal for breakfast


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Hey Everyone! I am trying to get Malibu's feeding schedule down to a science haha. I read a lot of you feed oatmeal in the mornings. I really don't have alot of time in the mornings before work and I do plan to get up a little earlier. What kind of oatmeal do you buy? Can you buy the packs of oatmeal that you just microwave. And what kind does it have to be? THanks

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I use the packets, and cook only half of it. I use the other half the next day. I also use water, sometimes maybe a little milk. But no sugar. They love it! I don't feed it every day. But every day they get 12 grain bread with peanut butter on it cut up into small squares that they can hold and eat.

I also use cream of wheat, they like that too!

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mine like all kinds I buy the variaty pack they love apple and cinnimon thats their fav I try to give them differnt thind for breakfast sometimes eggs or french toast on multi grain bread oran omlette with a variaty of differnt veggies init like redpeppers and chopped broccoli with a little cheese sometimes if i have left over cooked yams i will mash them up and mix it in with the eggs as well and some morming they just get a bowl of fruit with a peice of multi grain toast with peanut butter it doesn't matter as long as they get something healthy to start their day

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I make my own mash. I will have to post the resipe later. It takes a few hours to do it all. But at the end it is worth it. I have a base then split it up to add different stuff to it. Then it is packaged and frozen. It's nice becase Alex and Martini get a warm meal first thing and it is really easy. No more than 5 minutes and both birds are happyly eatting breakfest. They get to help with whatever the rest of us are having too if they want.

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Klaus will eat any kind of oatmeal.

He just loves it!

I use the packets and prepare it with water, in the microwave, no milk.

Sometimes I will offer warmed baby food with it (such as carrots or squash).

This helps me to sneak some good nutrition into him.

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