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Does Anyone Use Spirulina


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Hello Everyone,

The breeder I bought my new CAG from told me to use Spirulina in her food. Only a very small amount twice a week. Has anyone used this product or heard about this for Greys? I told him about the Red Palm Oil that a lot of you use and he said to forget that and just have her on Spirulina. What are your thoughts on this?


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I take spirulina myself, as an excellent source of protein, iron and B vitamins. Palm oil is an anti oxidant and a source of vitamin A. This helps to condition the birds feathers. They have completely different nutritional values. I can see no harm in giving a little spirulina twice a week, but it wont give the benefits of palm oil.

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hi siobha9

Do you think I could use both seeing that they have different nuttritional values? Or do you thing that would be over load;) And why do you think the breeder told me to skip the Palm Oil if it is so good for their feathers? I am getting confused on what is good for my birds:(

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That is the thing is that everyone has a different view on what should and shouldn't be feed, done, interact, flighted, clipped ect. Know that that there are 4 things your bird should NEVER have. Caffien, avacado, chocolate and alcahol. After that if you can eat it so can your bird. So while the breeder doesn't give palm oil it is his view and doesn't mean it's not good for your bird. So you ask and get more views on what is good and what isn't. Though I don't think it will hurt to give both. Just don't over do it. I would say don't give the spirulina and the plam oil on the same days. That to me seems like over load.

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Suzzique what you are saying makes sense. If she has been on the spirulina I will continue to use it for her. I haven't started to use either one with Echo so maybe I tried the Palm Oil with him and see how he does with that. Maybe I won't do either and just give them chicken feed:blink: :lol: thanks for the input!

mary<br><br>Post edited by: prrthead, at: 2008/08/15 19:11

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