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shouldn't she be doing somthing?


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LOL - They do love fingers and toes!!


Tracy is right, they do just sit, eat and preen alot.


You could try adding a few things that might "Pull" your Grey in to action.


Throw some wadded up newspaper or printer paper on to the bottom of they cage floor. They love to grab and shred paper. Place a 12 empty soda box on the bottom, They will go in and hide, chew holes through it to peek out in "Secret" etc.


Many toys we hang and place in our Parrots cage seem to just sit idle. We all go through this. It seems, just like a young child, the simple cardboard boxes, toilet paper empty rolls etc are the "BIG FUN" items. :-)


Your webcam is proving to be a very valuable tool!!


Your right, your Grey needs to be out with you and family when your home. :-)

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I do a few different paper shredding toys for Alex. The first is just a whole roll of tp. He loves this and it keeps him busy for long periods. The second is I use a treat toy and put tisue paper threw the holes. He enjoys this one as well. A roll of calculater tape is great too. Lots of shredding potental there. B)

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When I'm not home Elmo isn't very active from what my family says. My step mom says that when I'm not home she never hears a peep out of him, but when it's around the time I normally get home he will start making some noise. I think when we are gone our greys use this as their quiet time, and when we get home they spring into action. I believe Elmo uses his time by himself to plot against me and come up with new diabolicle schemes.:evil:

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