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Peculiar new habit


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Hey guys


Coco recently started climbing down from his cage (he has a perch on top of his cage where he spends most of the day and can go into the cage as and when he wants to eat or play with his toys) and onto the floor whenever i'm in the kitchen. He then walks to me, rests his beak on my feet, indicating that he wants to be petted and will lie really still just waiting for me to finish whatever i'm busy with.


There hasn't been any change in his daily routine or diet and i'm still showering him with as much attention as i did before this started- i play and interact with him quite a bit and there's almost always someone in the kitchen where he's kept (no cooking gets done there so no worries about fumes). So i'm wondering what gives? Is it a case of just wanting more attention or is there anything more to it? Also can i train him to stop doing this- it's cute and all but he poops everywhere when he's on the floor.


Thanks so much guys!

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Welcome to the forum, I think I can help with the poop thing! You need to see the signs of when coco poops. CAGS usually will squat down and shake their tail feathers before they poop.


As soon as coco does this take your bird to an area you want coco to poop (i have a perch with a tray underneath it). Coco might be hesitant as you just stopped him when he was about To go but keep him there until he does his business (give him lots of praise when he poops). Keep doing this and coco will start to learn where he needs to go. Most CAGS will not poop in there cage (mine included.


As soon as my CAG indy comes out of her cage in the morning I take her to the poop perch where she can do her business.


This may take a few weeks but coco will get used to it but you must keep an eye on coco and watch out for the tell tell signs.


Good luck!


Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/08/13 21:45

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I forgot to add then coco is about to poop where you want him to use a trigger word like "go potty" or "go poop" when he is going. He will match the action to the phrase and you can then potty train him.


Also you might see the signs of him wanting to poop but when you take him to his pooping area he might stop. Wait until he does it and then let play or wander to prevent accidents

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